Let our fear of you, O Lord, lead us to draw near rather than shrink back. Keep us from treating you with lack of reverence. May your holiness pull us to you as we recognize your power and might and understand that you alone are God. Continue reading “Let our fear of you lead us”
Not an exercise
Our Father in Heaven, let prayer not be for us a mere exercise, but rather the expression of our intimacy with you.
Keep passions from overrunning our time in prayer and meditation upon your word.
Prevent Satan from getting us sidetracked. Continue reading “Not an exercise”
Many and varied experiences of life
Immutable God, thank you for the many and varied experiences of life through which you teach us so much.
You teach us wonder at your gracious hand upon our souls.
You teach us discipline, in order that we may be holy. Continue reading “Many and varied experiences of life”
Your way is simple
Wise Father, your way is simple. We humans complicate our lives because we refuse to follow your way. We live for the moment. We let passions dominate us. We live for self. Then come the consequences. Continue reading “Your way is simple”
Meaning through knowledge of the way
Father of love and mercy, your name is holy as none other, your person far above the sinful human race, your glory seen in all creation and in your gracious intentions toward us.
We thank you for calling us to the gospel and to participation in your purpose to reconcile the estranged. Continue reading “Meaning through knowledge of the way”
For every mood, for every need
For every mood, for every need,
You give us, Lord, a prayer to speak:
A prayer in failure, to soon succeed,
A prayer for strength when feeling weak. Continue reading “For every mood, for every need”
We know the God who stiffens our resolve
Father of lights, Simon Peter was so sure of his commitment to the very end, yet he buckled under pressure. His pronouncement sounded bold, but his heart gave way because he did not understand the mission of his Lord. He placed his hope in politics and battles of war, and when the Promised One took that from him, he fled. Continue reading “We know the God who stiffens our resolve”
A Hymn of Praise and Desire
O God of love, we praise and laud thee,
Let none be silent and defraud thee,
We’d know thy grace, at night and early,
We’d love like thee, in truth, sincerely. Continue reading “A Hymn of Praise and Desire”
Drag us from the closet
Father who knows the depths of every heart, you know that we often bring before you the same concerns and requests, but you also know that they are not vain repetitions, for they are sincere petitions, intense desires to see good accomplished and your name glorified among everyone. Continue reading “Drag us from the closet”
Keep us from confusion
Holy Father, keep us from confusing our own thoughts with any still, small voice we think comes from you, or with impressions considered to be of divine origin. Rather, let us meditate day and night on the Word, for these, far from vague inner voices, contain vigorous and specific truths that will change us and energize us. Continue reading “Keep us from confusion”