Keep us from playing the negative “What-If” game

Father of spirits and God of fulfilled plans, keep us from playing the negative “What-If” game. Help us to root out all forms of worry and anxiety.

Ground us in today, that we might live fully in this moment, knowing that you have set our future in the brightest terms. Open our eyes to possibilities and opportunities. Shut down our fears with your promise of blessing and joy.

Stand us upon those spiritual realities we possess. Reroute our thoughts away from needs and what is missing in our lives. The gospel is ours; let us endure privation with gratitude for participation in your mission.

May you be praised for your wonderful gift of life, which sets us in your glorious presence and turns us toward the heavenly hope.

Keep our small thinking from holding back your kingdom

Father, you know all and are able to do everything. Your mind and will and power have no limits. Work in us and among us in this place so that the Word may run and reach many. There is no doubt that even among a people whose interests focus in money and pleasure your power can do great things. Show us your glory, that we might glorify you.

You can do so much, far beyond our ability to imagine. And you actually do them! Keep our small thinking from holding back your kingdom. We stand ready, O Lord, to observe your mighty hand. Show yourself to be the God who rules and performs great works in our midst. Help us to do greater things. Make us people of faith. Create in us confidence to launch out with your promises.

Yours is a beautiful world

Yours is a beautiful world, O Lord, full of power and precision and sights and sounds. We marvel before all creation, what we can see of it, knowing that it declares your greatness.

Even more beautiful, Savior of mankind, is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. In his pain, in the gore of suffering, in the cries and darkness and sweat and tears, rose the sparkling water of life and the brilliant light of glory.

Our sight is unfocused. Our sense of right is warped. Our perception of your goodness has been distorted by the father of lies.

Let us see your glory. Make us know your righteousness. Awaken us to your mercy.

May the splendor of Christ far outshine this world’s glory in our eyes.

Take One/Leave One

The English teacher in me always get excited when I pass one of those free lending libraries around our area and see someone poking through the books.  It is an informal way for neighbors to help neighbors.  That’s how I see–as a lending library of ideas and outlines that the preacher or teacher can peruse through and take.  But, leaving one for someone else to use is also encouraged!  What a great toolbox this site could be if brother helped brother in this way.

Lord of the Sabbath

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath’” Luke 6:5.  Do we exist to obey laws or do laws exist to benefit us? One of the Ten Commandments for the Israelites was to keep the Sabbath.  Nibbling on a few heads of grain to satisfy hunger was allowed by the Law, but the Pharisees saw that being done on the seventh day, in a very technical sense, as doing work and called Jesus out on it.  Jesus used the feeding of David’s men with the consecrated bread when they were fleeing Saul as an example from the past and then an illustration in the present to get to the very heart of the issue: “which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?”  God didn’t create laws, then, just for something for us to obey; they are to help us as individuals or as a collective to draw closer to Him.  As a society, we create laws that we deem are necessary to benefit society.  A police officer could ticket a man for driving the speed limit if the conditions are icy and he is a danger to others or himself.  It is only in grasping this concept that we can draw deeper into our relationship with the Lord of the Sabbath when we are under grace and truth.  Do you?

I.  Luke 6:1-11.  Was what Jesus’ followers were doing ‘unlawful’?  Technically, yes, but that was a strictly by the letter of the Law.  They were doing work on the Sabbath.  By the example of David eating the consecrated bread (1 Samuel 21:4-6), however, Jesus pointed out that obedience to God’s commands are also in spirit.  The Law exists to serve man rather than man existing to serve the Law.

II.  Romans 2:25-29.  Though written to Jews who were trusting in their circumcision to save them, the same could be said to Christians who only trust in an outward checklist of hearing, belief, repentance, confession, and baptism to enter heaven one day.  An inward circumcision of our hearts, a living out of a submissive obedience, is also necessary.  This is why God, not ourselves, is the Judge when someone dies.  We can know if the person ever outwardly obeyed in baptism to receive the promise of eternal life, but only God can judge how that person lived out his obedience in daily living.

III.  1 John 2:3-6.  We must live in Jesus by grace and truth (John 1:17).  This does not, however, give us a license to sin (Galatians 5:13) or go to the opposite extreme by making Christianity a list of dos and don’ts (Colossians 2:20-23).  Rather, our daily walk must be as Jesus walked, being a true worshipper, worshipping in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

Though God and Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus while in flesh had to submit in every way just as we do.  He set us an example by showing us that true obedience to God is in both spirit and truth.

This is what I ask you, Lord, to give me

Give me strength to resist the devil and take hold of victory in Christ that you have promised.

Give me wisdom to know right and timely words that will build others up and proper steps to take for the greatest blessing.

Give me courage to speak of Christ at all times, even when truth has a good chance of not being well received.

Give me your Spirit that he might produce in me the virtues of my Lord.

Give me glory to shine as a light on a hill that all may see your goodness e confess your wonderful Name.

Give me love to accept each person where he is and show him how to be accepted by you through obedience to the gospel of Christ.

Give me joy so that every day offers me your presence and the hope of receiving one of the eternal rooms that Jesus is preparing.

Meetings that reach mind, emotions and will

Lord, make this a blessed day for edifying the saints. Put in our hearts to serve you and to seek out every opportunity for doing good. Make us see the good that can be done by being present with the family of faith.

Help us all to ask what we can do to serve and encourage one another. Put a needy brother or sister in our path.

Help us to use our time today in preparation for making our meeting informative, inspiring, and motivating. May our meetings in this way reach the mind, the emotions, and the will.

Remove all bitterness from our hearts

Proverbs 14

Heavenly Father, keep us away from the path which seems right but leads to death. We want to follow the way which is truly good.

Enlighten us that we might not believe everything we hear. On the other hand, let us not be jaded, refusing to put our faith in truth and in forgiveness.

We fear you and want to walk in righteousness. Steer our feet away from deceitful steps.

Thank you for the Lord Jesus who took upon himself our guilt. We are grateful for the joy we share in your Spirit. Remove all bitterness from our hearts. Let our laughter not hide sadness from suffering.

Restrain our tongues and hands from acting on impulse. Free us from being irritated at small things. Save us from slyness and smugness.

You as Creator made all people and treat them equally. Close our eyes to what people possess when we deal with them.

In Me Create This Newness of Life

You know me, Lord, and every struggle,
every weakness — all my faults —
You read my every motive and thought.
Into my heart send your Spirit,
to cleanse and wholly purify —
Before you lie my body and soul.
You seek to make a vessel of honor,
this I would be — in me create
this newness of life — in hope I wait.
Be glorified in me, eternal glory,
yours since before the world began —
In my weakness show your strength,
in me be seen the sign of mercy.

Only from You

The gift of yet another day of life
Comes only from you, the gracious Giver
Of good. Let all creation praise your name!

Air for breathing, living water for drink,
The word of love between us our lasting link,
Your caring touch — To you be glory forever!

Tumultuous world of anguished men in need!
To Jesus Christ the Savior would you lead
Each precious soul in freedom — All power is yours!

Your servant hears, O Lord! He runs to obey
Your blessed command. Put wings upon his feet.
Let lanterns on a hill illumine your Name!