Why Have You Forsaken Me?

The opening of Psalm 22 should sound familiar to you as Jesus uttered these words from the cross. Yet, David wrote these words 1000 years before the Word became flesh and could bear our sins on the tree. Not only are the details in this psalm so vivid that they place us there at Calvary, but Jesus quoting its opening question and God telling us directly in John 19:24 shows us that David indeed wrote about his descendant dying on the cross for us. Continue reading “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

Time to rethink

Thank you, Father, for upsets in life,
both great and small, as they provide
time to rethink, to see anew
processes and objectives, goals
and means, and even deeper things:
the whys and wherefores, the basis
of reason, faith and abiding hope.

Guide me, Lord, to the other side,
to purer joy and eternal love.