In Spite of Mood

Lord of all, you love in spite of mood —
What joy to know that what I feel —
With constant ups and downs — my attitude
Does not reflect your mind — your love is real.

Your mercy cheers me — grace, that daily morsel —
I, like the sparrow hopping on the ground,
With beak dipping here and there for his portion —
What wells of peace and strength in Christ I’ve found!

So raise me up from little dips of sorrow —
This foolish heart so heavy with its burden —
For Jesus is the same today, tomorrow!
Remind me of the Savior’s blessed mountain!

No Stronger Love

What power your word contains,
And ours in prayer!
No greater work than this,
That supplicants dare.

No stronger love to show
Than save a soul —
Our thanks, O God, to play
This vital role.

Let joy be multiplied,
Removed our shame —
In us be glorified
The blessed Name.

To Awake to Joy

To awake to joy unmixed with pain,
Eternal life unmarred by death,
Communion free of hurtful sin —
O God, secure me on this path!

Oasis of peace

Father in Heaven, with the new year advancing quickly, time rushing by, life speeding on, let me live in the oasis of your peace.

Help me to be before I do.

Sanctify our people. Purify our motives and actions. Redeem us each day in our straying thoughts and wandering feet.

Bring our friends and family members to the truth. Convert them to Christ, away from sin and deceit. Rescue them from their doom.

Lead us to fight against our self-love and narrow interest, against the evil within and the wicked who would drown the righteous with their wrongdoing. Continue reading “Oasis of peace”

Pour Out Your Blessing

Pour out your blessing, Lord of light,
Lord of sight, Lord of sound,
Pour out your Spirit, full of might,
Full of power where gifts abound.

Pour out this soul, a life to give,
A life to live, a life to serve;
Pour out your servant, his work receive,
A sacrifice without reserve.

Pour out, O God, upon this earth,
The word to save, the word of love;
Bring forth for many a spiritual birth,
That all to heaven might soon remove.

Obtained with His Own Blood

When my dad would leave for his two weeks’ active duty in the Navy Reserves every year, he would tell me I needed to be “the man of the house” and take care of my mother.  He didn’t expect me to take care of things that were beyond an eight year-old like fixing the washing machine or drive to the store for milk, but it didn’t stop me having fantasies of wrestling a robber to the ground in the middle of the night to save mom.

In many ways, Jesus wants us to take care of His bride, the church, until He returns.

I.  Ephesians 5:25-27.  As Paul spoke with the Ephesian elders, he states that Jesus’ church was “obtained with His own blood” (Acts 20:28).  Like a medieval knight battling a dragon to rescue the princess, Jesus overcame sin and death on the cross to win those who would be His.  The church is His bride, His treasured possession, that He gave Himself for.  He died for His greatest love!

II.  Hebrews 13:7-17.  Jesus obtained His bride with His blood, but He has gone to prepare a place for her (John 14:1-3), and entrusted her to shepherds.  Speaking to those same elders, Paul states that they are to “care for the church” (Acts 20:28).  Like my dad trusted me to care for my mother while he was away, the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-16) entrusts His greatest love with shepherds under Him.

III.  Revelation 19:7-8.  Every bride needs to make herself ready for her wedding day!  The church is no exception.  When the bells ring, it is not time to roll out of bed.  Knowing that our Knight, our King of Kings, has shed His blood for us to rescue us from such a foe (Revelation 5:9-14), we must don our fine linen (righteous acts) and be eagerly waiting for Him when He returns for us (Hebrews 9:28).

Are you by obedience and repentance making yourself ready for when the groom comes for His bride?

Above, from Heaven

Above, from heaven, look down upon us, O God,
We would not do the worldly things we did,
Alone we cannot win against the flesh,
Give power to put our weakness to the lash.

Build up the will to please our risen Lord,
And every mean and base desire discard,
A holy spirit worthy of heaven’s glory,
For this, O Father, we are in a hurry!