A will of iron

O God who spoke a word and created a world from nothing,
Create in us a new heart, a will of iron to do your bidding,
That we might give you glory and show the world the image of Christ,
Through Jesus the Lord who showed the way of light and life.

Come save us!

Our heavenly Father,
Come save us!
Come transform us!
Come fill us!
Come live in us!

Glorify yourself in us,
Fulfill your will in us,
Go forward with your mission in us,
Find your joy in us.

God almighty,
Protect your people,
Preserve your people,
Make your people grow,
Carry your people to heaven.

How Much of Faith?

How much of faith I’ve yet to learn!
The Arch is high, and progress, slow;
The Way is strait, hard headwinds blow
As I pass beneath its scaffold’d span.

What narrow lane I was called to brave!
But why complain? His love constrains —
His lessons draw from all my pains;
His patience is long, his will, to save.

What, then, must be my prayer to ascend,
But for faith to bear, and time to repent?
For haste to obey? To feel content?
Let all my will to his purpose bend.

Photo from the city’s official site.