Let us break the mold

Our Father in Heaven, let us break the mold of religious expectations by faithfulness to your eternal plan and full adherence to your saving purpose. Fill us with love for the lost so that we are true evangelists all, zealous proclaimers to every soul, trusting followers of the Lord Jesus to save for everlasting salvation. Continue reading “Let us break the mold”

To be with him

Lord God of your special people, your Son chose followers to be with him, and when he arose, it was to those who had been with him that Mary Magdalene told about seeing him. (1) From this truth we see that you want us to be with our Lord Jesus Christ and through him to be with you. Continue reading “To be with him”

To see who we are

Father, your glory shows your nature. Although we get only a glimpse of your power and might, yet what we do see reflects your true self.

We also want others to see who we truly are as your children, as redeemed people, as saints concerned to do right, as those who reject evil and embrace righteousness. Continue reading “To see who we are”

Far from your presence

Nothing surpasses having a clean heart, O God, so that we may come near to you. Far from your presence, we chase after love in endless pursuit and constant frustration. Let us turn to you in full confidence of faith, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, that the Spirit transforms us into the divine image, and that you work in us and through us and for us for your eternal glory. Continue reading “Far from your presence”