Deserving Father

Our Father, you deserve
at all times to be praised
by happy voices raising
to the heaven of heavens.

Be glorified, O Son,
who gives eternal life,
through all the world of man,
to every distant isle.

What Spirit now abides
in hearts that hear your Word,
transforming earthly souls,
preparing them for you!

Among your joyful people,
we serve and speak and sing,
en route to enter your gates,
with praises on our tongues.

No cheap imitation

Lord God of us all,

Let no cheap imitation of faith or zeal deceive us.

Warm our hearts in the fire of the Cross.

Be glorified in your people who love as you do.

Remind us of our need for your grace.

Forgive us daily of our many stumblings.

Inject us with the joy of eternal hope.

Increase our faith, for greater service in your kingdom.

Because Jesus is Lord. Amen.

No Undertone

To joy in Christ, let run no undertone
Of sadness, heavy heart or grief;
Let fullest comfort flow from Jesus’ throne,
Whose river holds no hidden reef.

Let heavenly peace completely rule the mind,
Unmixed with cares and low concerns;
Blow gently in my soul the Spirit’s wind,
From which no worldly fear returns.

No Stronger Love

What power your word contains,
And ours in prayer!
No greater work than this,
That supplicants dare.

No stronger love to show
Than save a soul —
Our thanks, O God, to play
This vital role.

Let joy be multiplied,
Removed our shame —
In us be glorified
The blessed Name.

Let Nothing Here Weigh More

Food and drink and work and rest,
And love, above all, for family and friends;
With gifts like these we’re richly blessed —
O Lord, upon you our life depends.

More than all this world’s desires,
And more than bodily comfort and peace —
Earthly existence which soon expires —
Is perfect life that does not cease.

Let nothing here weigh more to me
Than knowledge of you and home in heaven;
And may I hear your voice and see
The joys of hope that daily beckon.

What we think we know

Father, what we think we know we’ve no idea and what we ought to know we show little interest. Bring us out of ignorance and into your light!

We fool ourselves into thinking we’re strong, and where true strength lies we consider weakness. Break us that we may be remade into the iron of Spirit.

The wealth of the world is our frenzied pursuit, while true and lasting riches lie untapped. Strip us of trust in possessions and money, that we might receive the treasures of Christ.

We’ve tried it all in our pursuit of happiness, except the everlasting joy that comes from life with you. Let all our earthly joys wilt like yesterday’s flowers, in order to catch a vision of heavenly blessing.

The world of experiences is where we think we’re really living, but eternal life holds no thrill for us. Make us die to this world, that we might live for you.

The dreariness of the rain

Our Father in Heaven,

Show us in the dreariness of the rain
how life is given to the earth.
And show us in the bleakness of this world
how joy is rooted in our hope of Christ.

Remind us in the storms and quakes of this earth
that the ground is not so solid beneath us.
Remind us in the tragedies and hurts we experience
that this world holds nothing for us.

Tell us in the prevalence of fake news
that we can trust little of what we hear.
Tell us in the multiplication of false doctrines
that man cannot know your mind and will.

Reveal to us in our frustrated attempts to forgive ourselves
how peace is beyond our reach.
Reveal to us in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ
that reconciliation is as close as his cleansing blood.

The blessing of obedience

Heavenly Father of all the saved,

Let us respond to your goodness in gratitude and service.

Shore up your church as we depend upon one another and ultimately upon your power.

Help us to see the white field ready for harvest that Jesus seeks to show us.

Thank you for the gifts from the Holy Spirit for your church. May we use them for your glory.

We seek the blessing from obedience to your commands. Keep us from ignoring any of them.

Protect us from the evil one and deliver us from temptation. Let us not accept excuses for ourselves.

May tongues confess the Lord, and hands work with joy for your kingdom.