These simple words were used of Manassah after his capture by the Assyrians and his turning to the Lord. Gantt Carner recalls that moment.
Let us break the mold
Our Father in Heaven, let us break the mold of religious expectations by faithfulness to your eternal plan and full adherence to your saving purpose. Fill us with love for the lost so that we are true evangelists all, zealous proclaimers to every soul, trusting followers of the Lord Jesus to save for everlasting salvation. Continue reading “Let us break the mold”
When we don’t feel like praying
Constant, unchanging, immutable God, our moods and thoughts frequently fluctuate. We sometimes do not feel like praying. The flesh is weak. Satan manages to distract us. We leave off meditating on the Word. Prayer grows cold, and our time for you withers on the vine. Continue reading “When we don’t feel like praying”
Make the Word meet needs
O God, make your Word meet the needs of the heart as we read it in our groups and classes, as we hear it in sermons and readings, so that we are humbled before you and submit to your will revealed in Scripture. Continue reading “Make the Word meet needs”
Not so heavenly minded
Father, let us not be so heavenly minded that we are of little earthly use. Let our minds be set on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. At the same time, may that focus make us more engaged here among people. Continue reading “Not so heavenly minded”
When our mind is blank
Father, sometimes we find that our mind is blank. We don’t know what to say to others, what to pray, what to plan. It may be a momentary mental blackout, or a depressing phase of life. We’re thankful then that you hear even the simplest cries for help. We’re grateful that you accept us when we say, “God, I don’t know how to pray today, help me, show me!” Continue reading “When our mind is blank”
The obligation of joy
Our heavenly Father, only under your hand, and only in Christ is it possible to receive a commandment as an obligation to be kept or observed as a joyful celebration of salvation. Thus did Mordechai order the Jews to observe Purim as a festive occasion, and so do we welcome the commands of Christ, to meet together, to serve in love, to forgive our brother, to speak the gospel, to give of our livelihood, to give thanks in our hearts.
Oh, what wisdom that mixes joy with obligation, and command with salvation! May you be praised and glorified among men!
To be with him
Lord God of your special people, your Son chose followers to be with him, and when he arose, it was to those who had been with him that Mary Magdalene told about seeing him. (1) From this truth we see that you want us to be with our Lord Jesus Christ and through him to be with you. Continue reading “To be with him”
Yours is the power
Oh, Lord, it is easy to see why some scribe probably added this beautiful ending to our Lord’s example of a disciple’s prayer: Continue reading “Yours is the power”
We confess our discontent
Father, we confess our discontent, our murmurings, our complaints, our dissatisfaction with your provisions. We have sinned! Gratitude has been squeezed out of our hearts by our desire for more, for something different, for something else. Continue reading “We confess our discontent”