In peace with your provisions

Lord, let us be in peace with your provisions. Thank for your blessings. We are content.

Keep us from putting our trust in things. Let us not seek security in accumulation of material goods.

Help us to live simply. Keep us from spending on accessories that add nothing to our quality of life, but that take away from the good that we might do for others and from the support that we might give to your work.

As we see your free generosity in Christ, create in us the desire to bless others.

Lord, I Would Be a Simple Soul

Lord, I would be a simple soul,
Make me see with a single eye.

I’d always speak an honest word,
Come fill me with the gospel truth.

I ask to be a saint of zeal,
Show me the living passion of Christ.

I seek to sanctify my heart,
Let me know your holiness.

I’d wield the Spirit’s powerful sword,
Give me wisdom in the Scriptures.

I want to please you in the Way,
Strengthen my feet to walk your path.

Lord, I would be a fisher of souls,
For I was taught and led to Christ.

The essence of the gospel

  1. Salvation, 1 Tim 4.16. Jesus saved man by his death; man saves himself and others by teaching about Jesus.
  2. Suffering, Col 1.24. Jesus suffered for man, and man suffers for his gospel.
  3. Sanctification, Jn 17.19. Jesus sanctified himself that he might sanctify his followers.
  4. Service, Mt 20.25-28. Jesus served man by giving his life as a ransom, and his people serve God and others by giving their lives for the gospel.
  5. Simplicity, Jn 14.28-31. Jesus gives us his peace, his promise, his power, his proof of love in obedience—this is all we need in order to rise and go.

Not an exercise

Our Father in Heaven, let prayer not be for us a mere exercise, but rather the expression of our intimacy with you.

Keep passions from overrunning our time in prayer and meditation upon your word.

Prevent Satan from getting us sidetracked. Continue reading “Not an exercise”