Statement designed to encourage prayer

Over on Travis Main’s website, Doug Dingley writes in “The Effectual Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man”:

How tragic that a statement of encouragement by design becomes a statement of discouragement through our misunderstanding of it. As Christians, we are made righteous, not by living a perfectly sinless life, but by virtue of the fact that the Lord died for us, and His shed blood keeps us cleansed and forgiven of our sins (cf. 1 John 1:7-10). Therefore, God may hear our prayers!

Read the whole article at this link.

Prayer: Intrinsic advantages of the righteous path


O LORD our God and dear Father in heaven, we joyfully come before your awesome existence on this new day as we join our hearts with others around the world in giving you the highest possible praise for all good blessings.

As we give you all glory and honor, help us to see the intrinsic advantages of the righteous path Christ leads us, instead of thinking of the right way as being cumbersome.

We offer this prayer in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Binckley Sr.