Save us from the evil one

Heavenly Father, save us from the evil one. Save us for your presence and blessing. Save us in the name of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Save us with your raised hand and mighty arm.

Protect your people from temptation. Protect your church to do all your will. Protect your chosen ones that they might live in holiness and generosity. Protect your children for your glory in them.

Bless our loved ones with knowledge and devotion. Bless all that they might seek you in love and truth. Bless our friends and families in order to make them prepared for that Day.

Give me wisdom. Give me power. Give me humility. Give me healing. Give me your Spirit. Use me for your glory. Be my all and fullness.

  • Say this prayer and say amen.
  • Publish this prayer in your congregation’s bulletin or newsletter.
  • Say this prayer in your congregation’s meeting.
  • Share the link to this prayer in social media.
  • Send the link to this prayer in an email to your contacts.

Worthy of Trust

The Lord my God is worthy of trust,
In you I put my heart and soul,
This world’s possessions turn to dust,
So eternal life is all my goal.

O Father, every moment I breathe,
I hear the call of heaven’s lure,
Preserve me while the nations seethe,
In peace prepare your people pure.

The strongholds rise on every side,
The devil’s darts come flaming down;
Be now my shield and certain guide,
For I desire the living crown.

Work Among Us

Terrible times we face — we tremble,
O God, so now, together, we assemble
To cry for mercy — Increase our strength!
Deepen our faith! — We seek, at length,
New heavens and earth, the Son in glory —
Freedom from worldly category!

Our wonder is prayer, that lively phone —
The Spirit’s carriage to heaven’s throne!
Hear, O Lord, the soul’s deep groan!
Against the world raise high the walls,
Inside the Body, we hearken Paul’s
And John’s and Matthew’s holy calls.

Work among us, servants of heart
And soul and mind — Make wide
Your space of freedom — Never depart,
O God, for Jesus’ bleeding side,
His pierced hands, his bruised brow,
His shadowed cross are before us now.

The window-screen prayer

Lord, thank you for the screens going up on our windows, and the screen door being installed in the kitchen, to help keep the house cool this summer, and the bugs from entering.

Help us keep our minds well screened, to prevent evil thoughts from entering and to keep temptation from overcoming us. Let our hearts be aerated by your Spirit, our souls protected by your Word, our wills reinforced by each step we take toward fulfilling your will in our lives.

Protect our house this day from evil

Heavenly Father, protect our house this day from evil. Let us walk in your presence. May your hands bless our home, our marriage, our coming and going, our rising and our rest.

Help us to serve the brethren well and strengthen, and perhaps even save, relationships with you, with each other, with those outside of Christ.

Focus my mind on your goodness, on acting with knowledge, on being patient and grateful.

Strengthen me to take the steps forward that I need to take today. Help me consider the present, leaving in your hands the cares of the future.

Thank you for health, for work, for opportunity, for faith, for family, for life’s necessities, for eternity’s door in Jesus Christ my Savior.

Win Each Battle

Circle your people with your protection,
O God who shields the weak from harm;
We suffer from attacks of Satan,
And fall to this world’s evil charm.

Let Christ the Victor come to conquer,
And we, with him, saved from defeat,
To win each battle, with him as Anchor,
We need not fear nor ever retreat.

Be Near Us

Be near us, God of me and mine,
Show yourself as Lord sublime,
Protect, defend, and bless this day,
Uphold our hands upon your Way.