The early church grew because they prayed

Larry Miles gives as one of the five reasons that the church grew in the first century: The Early Church was a Praying Church:

After Peter and John had been released by the Sanhedrin they went back to the rest of the apostles and fellow believers to give a report o what had transpired. Verse 24-31 record that the early Church was a praying church. In Acts 4:29 we read: “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word,” They believed in the power of prayer and also of answered prayer. Many of the great figures of the Old and New Testament were people of prayer. God has told us to pray. If we pray, knowing that God hears, and expecting that God will answer in a way that will bring glory to His Name, we can have a victorious prayer life. Remember, it is our Creator that we are talking to. If we can recapture the prayer life of the early church we can better stimulate church growth.

—Larry Miles, “Five Reasons the Early Church Grew (Acts 4)”

A furnace of fire

Faithfulness under fire

If we face a furnace of fire,
Or stand before a shower of stones,
If live we’re thrown upon a pyre,
Denied a burial of flesh and bones,

Then make us strong, our tongues confess
Our Lord’s dear name, Emmanuel;
Let enemies hear us pray and bless,
May we to them the gospel tell.

More in his form

imitation of Christ

For the urge to excel, we give thanks, Lord of light,
In our hearts stirs desire to become better men,
Let this drive move us toward our blest Savior’s full height,
Make us more in his form than we ever have been.

Save me from judging

Reach every person

Save me from judging another’s looks,
For all alike need Jesus’ care;
None are free from Satan’s hooks,
No matter what we wield or wear.

Each one a soul with life impressed,
Creation’s crown, all heaven’s pride,
The power to choose within the breast,
For every person Jesus died.

Let words of life from lips flow free,
Let Calvary’s tune reach every ear;
The suffering man make mercy see,
Make love the span, to breach our fear.

Before the earthly waters cleaved

Creation man

Praise to you, O God, who gives
In Christ all spiritual blessing, lives
Within our hearts, and guides our feet
To where the Savior and sainted meet.

Before the earthly waters cleaved,
Your perfect plan, in heaven conceived,
Chose men for grace, for order called,
In Eden Adam and Eve installed.

For man was made the universe,
That he your glories might rehearse,
Open to you that inner space,
Enjoy your presence face to face.

In us you set the hot desire
For heaven to which we may retire,
The Lord’s return we, breathless, wait,
While knocking on Jerusalem’s gate.

Let banners soar

Christ, o’er angels, glorious King,
Ruler, author of creation,
Grant us grace to win and wing
Our way to realms e’erlasting.

Fling us out across the earth,
Sound in us the proclamation,
Shout from heights the gospel worth,
That all may know the Spirit’s birth.

Send your Spirit forth to war,
Fight for us, your holy nation,
On the hills let banners soar,
Our vict’ry feast forevermore.


Above them all

All seek their own, not those of Christ,
By worldly gain and gold enticed;
To be a Demas is my fear,
To miss the Spirit’s movement near.

Come give me, Lord, a single eye,
Fixed on your will, on things on high;
Devoted to please your charge and call,
I’d seek your face above them all.


What gift is mine?

Show me the way, my God, my Guide,
How may I serve your purpose best?
Let not my asking be denied,
But turn your ear to my request.

What gift is mine, what open door?
What bodied member am I cast?
What words are mine with praise to soar,
What deeds to pierce the heavens at last?


Envoys of reconciliation

Our Father in heaven, thank you for the blessings of this day. You renew your goodness over us constantly.

Bless our loved ones far away from us, and draw them near to you.

Make us sensitive to wrongs in the world, especially to the greatest of these: rebellion against your will, ignorance of your Word.

We put ourselves in your hands to be instruments of peace, envoys of reconciliation to an estranged world.

Let Satan not hinder us, nor distractions keep us from our main task.

Blessed be your name in all the earth, as the heavens praise your glory. Amen.