Glad to show mercy

cheerful-mercyHeavenly Father, you are patient, that we might repent and find salvation. Let us not tire in our service to you. Let us be glad to show mercy. Let our truth be laced with love. Let us be always willing to bear with others.

The Lord Jesus did not waver in his purpose. Give us the same steady sight in doing your will. Continue reading “Glad to show mercy”

In them You delight

Father, let that which is to you an abomination be also to me an odious thing; may I prize justice, righteousness, wisdom, and goodness, all of which flow from your hand, and in them you delight.

No place where I can flee

Remove from me the bitter root,
Let selfless love hold sway;
Within, produce the Spirit’s fruit,
Keep Satan’s wiles at bay.

The Liar tempts at every turn,
No place where I can flee;
But teach me, Lord, and I will learn,
That Christ can set me free.

Descend to depths no man can sound,
To cleanse and draw me near;
O Lord, let grace and peace abound,
Make your full glory appear.