
What gifts received, the wealth of heaven
poured down! — and not for us alone,
but service in the Cross’s shadow.

What work received, to enter the Lord’s
eternal mission! — a world awaits
to hear the news of God’s salvation.

What Spirit received, for God himself
to abide in every heart! — Come, O Lord
in mine, prepare me and be present.

Make Me a Saint

Make me a saint, O God,
Not by my own merit,
But by transforming grace.

Make me a follower of Christ,
With sights set only on him,
His word my power and guide.

Make me a lover of the lost,
To speak salvation’s terms,
Going into the world. Continue reading “Make Me a Saint”

The perfect wedding

Lord God, let knowledge and love be joined permanently together in my faith, as the perfect wedding of groom and bride. Teach me your ways, and help me to obey your every command.

Make your truth my clothing and protection, for I seek your wisdom night and day. Let the facts of the gospel be precious to me, and its commands always in my heart.

Make my teaching and life a powerful argument before those outside of Christ.

The doctrine of Christ is light and life, O Savior. Let his words be our constant meditation and our insistent message to all.

With Me Most

Lord God, I want to stay,
Be close to you, enjoy
communion in your presence.
But I trust what you say
That you are with me most
When out to preach I’m going.

Let us break the mold

Our Father in Heaven, let us break the mold of religious expectations by faithfulness to your eternal plan and full adherence to your saving purpose. Fill us with love for the lost so that we are true evangelists all, zealous proclaimers to every soul, trusting followers of the Lord Jesus to save for everlasting salvation. Continue reading “Let us break the mold”