Thank you, O Lord, for revealing yourself to us, that we might know you.
That you for sending your Son to the earth, that we might be forgiven of sin and redeemed.
Thank you for your indwelling Spirit, who transforms us into the image of Christ.
Thank you for Scripture, which guides us in your Way.
Thank you for establishing the church, that we might have family always near.
Thank you for a purpose, to glorify your name and show your excellent mercies.
Thank you for the mission of sharing the Good News, giving each day an eternal weight.
Thank you for the hope of heaven, which makes our sufferings seem light.
Thank you for a love that knows no end, a model that we can imitate.
Oh, and thank you for material blessings after which the pagans run, but which you give generously.
Thank you for the gift of existence, for saying “Let there be light,” and “Let us make man.”
Thank you for the gift of understanding and of wonder, that we may see your glory and stand in awe before your majesty.
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