Never in a thousand years could I
Imagine your tender lovingkindness toward me.
Never across a thousand worlds of space
Could Science’ wisest minds measure your greatness.
How small am I! Yet you see every step —
Every stumble — every turn and tear.
How great you are! The smallest inch of faith
You use to pull by the roots the stubborn mountain.
Keep complaints from blocking the flow of power,
For I — yes, I! — can cancel the Spirit’s work!
Oh, God, let not my enemy be myself!
I ask you crush my last reserve of resistance.
Shine — shine — shine with fullest glory!
Fly me to the high transfiguration,
Where Jesus stands alone among the mute.
Put words of praise upon my silenced mouth.
- Please share this prayer with your loved ones.
- What verse does this prayer call to mind?
- What phrase or stanza stands out to you?