When we don’t feel like praying

Constant, unchanging, immutable God, our moods and thoughts frequently fluctuate. We sometimes do not feel like praying. The flesh is weak. Satan manages to distract us. We leave off meditating on the Word. Prayer grows cold, and our time for you withers on the vine.

Let us refrain from judging others and look to our own weaknesses, that we might strengthen ourselves in your grace.

Let us not despair when we feel a dip in our fervor, knowing that you will maintain us firm in the Way.

Let us not be discouraged by the unfaithfulness of man, but be renewed by your faithfulness.

Let us fight our way back to faith, by immersing ourselves in Scripture.

Let us give up excuses and justifications, blame for others, to take responsibility for our relationship with you.

Let us see the truth that nothing or no one can prevent us from walking with you and that all spiritual blessings are at our disposal for faith and service.

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