Quick actions

Our heavenly Father, make our actions as quick as our words. Let us speak little and act with integrity.

Let us put away excuses and accept responsibility for our lives. Wake us to the consequences of our actions.

Help us choose those behaviors that show the earnestness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



Make us see with eyes of faith

Lord, make us see with eyes of faith your providence and care for your children, as you guide us in the ways of Christ.

Fix in our hearts the eternal purpose in Christ so that we may share it with others who flail about with no direction.

Deliver your people! Empower the nation that belongs to you! Care for them like a shepherd and carry them in your arms at all times! (Psa 28.9 NET).

We trust in your promise to do this. Amen.

Five tips for prayer

As Jehoshaphat was watching the enemy amass themselves against him, he turned to God in prayer (2 Chronicles 20). He was in a period where he was leading well and teaching his people to fear God, so God obliterates the enemy. Jehoshaphat’s reign was always either hot or cold in his relationship with the Lord – so why did God so completely respond to that prayer?

The Bible is full of tips on how to pray. Here are five:

via MyDailyPause.org