For guiding shepherds, giving servants,
For little ones who love their neighbors,
For faithful saints who give no offense —
For these we offer thanks. Continue reading “For These We Offer Thanks”
O, Open Door
O, Open Door, let fears from me fall,
May I rejoice to see this chance;
No inner or outer voices call
To keep me from your vast expanse. Continue reading “O, Open Door”
Questions about prayer don’t keep us from praying
Eddie Parrish wrote today on “Confidence in Prayer:”
Studying prayer can be a frustrating endeavor. While the Bible reveals no small amount of information about this great privilege, there are still questions that have puzzled great minds for millennia. How, specifically, does God answer prayer? What are the mechanics of it? How do we reconcile the sovereignty of God, the free will of man, and the role of prayer in bringing about positive change in our lives? I admit to being unable to answer those questions to my own satisfaction.
But Eddie still prays with confidence. Read his whole article here.
In Suffering Let My Faith Revive
So many needs, so many cries
In this old world of sin and pain,
How quick are we to believe our eyes,
And easy to forget you reign. Continue reading “In Suffering Let My Faith Revive”
So Tired, O Lord
So tired, O Lord, I’m tired —
The weight of life is crushing,
My duties always pushing,
I’m feeling uninspired. Continue reading “So Tired, O Lord”
Praise is Yours
Praise is yours as God almighty,
Power belongs to you, and glory;
You throw down the proud and haughty,
Humble souls you lift and carry.
Points on Paul’s prayer for the Philippians
Eddie Parrish dissects a bit of the richness of the apostle’s prayer for some of his favorite people. Read it here.
Prayer needs preparation
Today, Richard Mansel writes on “Preparing for Prayer.”He says,
“Prayer requires preparation because approaching God isn’t a casual affair. The solemnity and reverence in the Father’s throne room in Revelation 4-5 can touch us deeply.”
Be sure to read the entire article.
Let your approval be my guide
Keep me from the desire to hear
The praise of men, from words and acts
Designed to gain the human eye;
Let your approval be my guide
In all I do and say, in heart,
In thought, in every plan and purpose.
Take Us High
Make us see, O Lord, the power in prayer,
Take us high in heaven under your care,
To ask unceasingly, in time alone,
That Christ in every place be preached and known.