Father, we have greatly sinned, and so need a great salvation. We thank you for the costly gift of redemption in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Show us the preciousness of this faith, that we might dedicate ourselves anew each day to your service. Continue reading “We have greatly sinned”
Give wisdom to measure our steps rightly
We praise you, God of David, Solomon, and Hezekiah, for your faithfulness to your promises, for hearing the pleas of your servants, and for blessing far and beyond all expectations. Continue reading “Give wisdom to measure our steps rightly”
Praying the Third Psalm
Eddie Parrish shares a beautiful prayer based on Psalm 3.
Read and ponder Psalm 3 for a few minutes, then offer to God the prayer that follows.
May your will be our way
Help us to be not only hearers of the Word, O Lord, but doers. We come to do your will. Speak, and we obey. Let your Spirit act in us today. Continue reading “May your will be our way”
Prayer of an unemployed man
The Lord is God who knows that everything has a reason. May I learn your purpose in my life.
Give me strength to believe, patience to receive your heavenly gifts, and humility to depend upon your hand to act at the right time. Continue reading “Prayer of an unemployed man”
Today I Seek
Today I seek your blessing,
Your presence, your comfort,
Your protection to surround me,
Your courage to embolden me.
I seek your purpose to direct me, Continue reading “Today I Seek”
Help me encourage your servants
Help me, Lord, to encourage those who serve you. So many good saints are exercising their gifts. So few hear words of support and encouragement. Show me those servants who need to be uplifted in their souls. Continue reading “Help me encourage your servants”
A sense of what is decent, proper, and right
Heavenly Father, in our hearts we need
A sense of what is decent, proper, and right;
This world holds irreverence as its creed,
And seeks to shock with evil in public sight. Continue reading “A sense of what is decent, proper, and right”
Swings of faith
O Lord, my swings of faith on your hanging ropes —
Let grow my grip, increase my eternal hopes.
I trust you
Your name, and all it represents, lightens my heart, O Lord, as I consider your power and goodness. I trust in you and know that the world is in your hands. You care for me, because I seek you, to do your will. Continue reading “I trust you”