When hearts are heavy, and tears are falling,
Where can we go, who’ll heed our calling?
When hopes are dimming, and faith grows weak,
When hands go slack, who can we seek —
Who will comfort when faith is stalling? Continue reading “Who will comfort when faith is stalling?”
Created with the powers of reason
We praise you, O God, that the truth is knowable and not some dark mystery incapable of being understood. We acknowledge our finiteness and limited capacity, and give you thanks that you have put the truth within our grasp. Continue reading “Created with the powers of reason”
Perfect for the redeemed in all their weakness
Your church, O God, is perfect for redeemed people in all their weakness. Your wisdom is manifest through the creation of this family, its leadership by the Lord Jesus Christ, its power by the Holy Spirit, its guidance by the inspired Scripture, its mission continuing the salvation of souls, its edification tailored to our needs for growth, repentance, sanctification, and fellowship. Continue reading “Perfect for the redeemed in all their weakness”
Help us break through
People near us, emotionally and physically, are hurting, suffering in so many ways. Friends, neighbors, coworkers, relatives. They have relationship problems, health issues, financial difficulties, mental confusion. They are imprisoned in spiritual darkness.
Lord, the world lies in the power of the Evil One. Put us in their path, cause them to share with us, bring us opportunity to serve them and show them the Way. Continue reading “Help us break through”
Not wishing for the past nor living in a fantasy world
Let us not wish for things of the past or that things were different than they are now, O Lord, but let us make ourselves, by the power of your Spirit, into the people that we ought to be.
Change our hearts, so that our lives may not only improve for ourselves and bless others, but give you glory as people see you work in us. Continue reading “Not wishing for the past nor living in a fantasy world”
What others worship we reject
What others worship, Father, we reject. The gods of this world lodge themselves in the hearts of men. People create idols in order to follow their own desires.
No greater evil exists than to remove you as the only true and living God and put in your place a created being or a human desire. Continue reading “What others worship we reject”
The greatest why of all
The great question we ask, O gracious Lord, is why. And the greatest why of all: our creation. Why did the self-sufficient God make us in your own image? Why go to the bother? What do you get out of this deal? You didn’t need us. For some reason, you desired us. By our creation you showed us that love seeks expression. Continue reading “The greatest why of all”
Were it not for you, the journey would be too much
What a glorious day, our God and Savior, to be alive, to walk with you, to enjoy the hope of eternal life! Make us to be a blessing to others, as you have blessed us. Shine upon us! Shine upon your people! Shine upon those who groan in darkness!
Let us be as concerned to purify ourselves from immorality and the prevailing evil as were the Israelites to remove mold, stains, and uncleanness from among them. Continue reading “Were it not for you, the journey would be too much”
The temple whose glory outshines the gold of Solomon
Heavenly Father, let my whys be the path to seek communion with you. May the dust of suffering carry the spirit into your presence. And may the many good gifts from the Lord of lights point me to the eternal Giver.
Let us hear the heavens proclaim your justice. We see the signs around us in this world of your power and majesty. The burning sun spreads your holiness. The rain reminds us that you wash our sins in Jesus’ blood. The turning seasons renew your lovingkindness. Continue reading “The temple whose glory outshines the gold of Solomon”
Water to the thirsty, food to the fugitives
Holy Father, we confess you as the one, true God, almighty in power, with knowledge of all things, unceasing in mercy, and righteous without exception.
Remove from us everything that pollutes and all that causes impurity. Wash us clean each day with the blood of your Son, as we walk in your light.
Keep us from bitterness of spirit when we see the rebellion and stubbornness of others, so that we ourselves may not be excluded from the kingdom. Continue reading “Water to the thirsty, food to the fugitives”