In these do our knowledge of you consist

Lord, it sometimes seems a far thing from words on a page to an intimate, dynamic relationship with you. In our minds, we look for the physical touch, the visual cues. But, between humans, these often belie a lack of relationship behind them.

In the Bible, you speak from your heart to ours, marvelous truths of yourself and us to minds perfectly created as receptacles of these reverent thoughts. Continue reading “In these do our knowledge of you consist”

On earth, the harmony of heaven

Thank you, Lord, that our lives may be orderly in this chaotic world. You who brought order to the universe out of the emptiness and shapelessness of our earth bring and desire for us the peace and harmony that exists in heaven.

We praise you for making us creatures who need such orderliness, in order to function well in your realm.

Use us also to bring this same order, in which you reign, to those whose lives are upended by human passions and sins. For where you are, there peace is.

You Richly Give Us All Good Things

You richly give us all good things
for our enjoyment, but instead,
we set our hope on them, becoming
haughty, thinking we produced them.
We are rich in this world’s goods,
but keep our hope on you, and teach us,
then we’ll do lasting good to others,
be rich in works of blessed deeds,
generous givers, sharing with others.
We’d save up treasure for ourselves,
a firm foundation for the future,
and so take hold of truest life.
As Captain of our lives, O God,
make it so, and turn our thoughts
to eternal rewards, not earthly riches.
Let time and strength and wealth be given
to high pursuits and holy ways.
Show us how uncertain is wealth,
How sure your word and will and work.

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Dare to prove the greatness of God

Do we know the power of our supernatural weapon? Do we dare to use it with the authority of a faith that commands as well as asks? May God baptize us with holy audacity and divine confidence. He is not wanting great men and women, but He is wanting men and women who will dare to prove the greatness of their God.

We understand, of course, the reference to baptism here figuratively. The author may have other, unbiblical ideas here. But his main point is spot on.

Source: Simpson Devotional