More about you, less about myself

Let me talk more, O Lord, about you and those things you do and delight in, and less about myself and my desires and accomplishments.

Let me study more, O God, your ways and will, and less on how I can get ahead and taste success.

Let me meditate more, O Father, on your word and your commands, and less on my wants and needs.

Let me trust wholly, O Savior, in your promises and in your plan to save, and not at all in my strategies and tactics for providing for self.

The Fuller Scope

Lord, let no worldly thought disturb
Your peace in me, no passion curb
My joy in Christ, let nothing cause
The loss of faith — let me give pause
To count my blessings — show me hope
That outlives time, the fuller scope
Of spiritual power, the depth of love,
Your majesty in the form of a dove.


I will not fear nor fret

Only because of your mercy are we alive, O Holy One.

Your people forget your awesome deeds and complain that their needs aren’t being met. Yet you are patient.

Be patient with me still, O Sovereign God. Teach me to wait upon you.

I trust you for every need. I will not fear nor fret. I may not know how or when, but you will provide at the right time in ways that we can never dream about. Continue reading “I will not fear nor fret”

God of Heaven

God of heaven, when I feel down,
Remind me you, above, still reign,
I need no miracle, need no sign,
Only a thought of you again.

God of earth, when feet are tired,
When the aching back makes my eyes blurred,
When facing death, the heart is scared,
I’m heartened by what Jesus dared. Continue reading “God of Heaven”

We have no excuse

We have no excuse, O Lord who knows our hearts. You have revealed yourself to us in Jesus Christ and made that revelation available in Scripture. You have provided the way back to yourself. You freely give your Spirit to enable us in our faith.  We can pray to you at any time for our needs. You have left nothing to chance, with every purpose fulfilled, and every plan brought to fruition. Continue reading “We have no excuse”