God to Me

Oh, God, you are
Life to my body,
Food to my hunger,
Drink to my thirst,
Thrill to my heart,
Thought to my mind,
Choice to my will,
Light to my eyes,
Strength to my hand,
Guide to my feet,
Home to my soul.

Prayer for devotional writers

Lord God who has given us your inspired Scripture, bless those writers among us who produce regular devotionals, so that they may be:

  1. Biblical. Let Scripture truly come to light as we read. Keep them from using verses or phrases out of context in order to make their own personal points.
  2. Pertinent. Let their words be relevant. Help them to reach people where they are, to deal with situations and questions they face.
  3. Meaty. It’s hard to be concise without being superficial. Help them to share truths that are significant and sustaining.

Thank you for the service they provide in developing our spirituality, in urging us to greater communion with you, and in leading us to serve and love others.

Heap Your Hottest Coals

By J. Randal Matheny © 2016

Oh, God above, look down upon us,
Have mercy on our suffering souls;
We seek your presence, come redeem us,
With kindness heap your hottest coals.

Our God of mercy, work your wonders,
Melt our dross and sin away,
Mold us, Lord of light and thunders,
Your rod of pain to shape this clay.

Great God who stirs the ocean’s depths,
Whose holiness corrects each wrong,
Who shares with all your thousand strengths —
For lifelong battle make us strong.

The prayer of When

When silence prevails, let your Word speak gently in my heart.

When noise dominates, let your quietness rule within me.

When we find ourselves in the presence of foolishness, let your wisdom penetrate the moment.

When wisdom overcomes, let gratitude for the knowledge of you permeate and let the power of your Spirit guide us. Continue reading “The prayer of When”

Setting aside personal feelings

Heavenly Father, you are to be praised for your goodness and glory. No one is like you in majesty and power.

And none is like you, in your willingness to give up the evidence of that glory in order to become a man and take upon yourself the penalty for sin.

In Jesus we see your love. In him we know the lengths to which you are willing to go in order to restore our relationship with you. Continue reading “Setting aside personal feelings”