Rejection, Lord, is painful.
I want to be accepted
by everyone.
But some turn away
with a single look,
And others listen briefly,
then close their ears,
and show their backs.
How far can I go
to win their love?
Does changing to please mean
that I cease to remain myself?
Alone and spurned is a hard
road to walk.
Does Jesus understand?
As Holy Branches
God, let your Word not condemn us,
We hear and do, we love and know,
Believe, obey, in grace we grow;
As holy branches, let it trim us.
Love not only the gospel
O Lord, let us love not only the gospel,
but also those for whom it was intended.
Let us rejoice not only in the truth,
but also in seeing that truth in action,
freeing those enslaved by sin.
Let us be not only people who stand for what is right,
but who also do what you approve. Continue reading “Love not only the gospel”
Everything in your hands
Heavenly Father, today I place everything in your hands, in order that you might protect me, guide me, and give me success in doing your will and in pleasing you in every word and in each action I take.
Your promises are sure. I trust you to fulfill them, as you always have for your people. I believe, O Lord.
Keep me on track today. Help my plans to reflect your priority.
Make Me a Saint
Make me a saint, O God,
Not by my own merit,
But by transforming grace.
Make me a follower of Christ,
With sights set only on him,
His word my power and guide.
Make me a lover of the lost,
To speak salvation’s terms,
Going into the world. Continue reading “Make Me a Saint”
A Morning Prayer of War
The war of Forces waxes strong,
The world is not the only field,
But in my heart the waste of wrong
Would spread destruction if I yield.
Be strength and valor, God, for me,
Let courage meet the rushing foe;
Keep battle-hardened weapons free
To lay the devil’s minions low. Continue reading “A Morning Prayer of War”
The Heavenly Truths that Never Fail
O God, let heart with mind agree,
As thoughts saturate the soul —
The heavenly truths that never fail —
To rein the feelings, set them free
Of earthly passions, and quickly fill
With victory.
Extinguish every burst of desire
For selfish ways, tamp down the flesh,
And every spiritual impulse refresh —
Impose, within, the deeper fire
Of God, and burn all guilt to ash
Upon the pyre. Continue reading “The Heavenly Truths that Never Fail”
God of One-on-One
Dear God of one-on-one,
you know my deepest need —
Yourself, your joyous presence —
and all my vain attempts
to fill this aching void. Continue reading “God of One-on-One”
Lord, Give
Lord, give us peace of heart;
This earth is breaking apart.
Lord, give us a clear word
In a world where all is blurred.
Lord, give us truth to share,
To those who by falsehood swear. Continue reading “Lord, Give”
Within the Loving Church
For edification, Lord, let all be done
Within the loving church, among the saints:
Uphold the weak, give strength to those who run,
Forgiveness of sin, relief for him who faints. Continue reading “Within the Loving Church”