How to make every effort to enter through the narrow door

Lk 13.24: “Exert every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to” (NET).

Let us exert every effort:

  1. In knowledge, Prov 2.1-5.
  2. In prayer, Col 4.12.
  3. In meeting together, Heb 10.25; 12.1.
  4. In the gospel, Phil 1.30.

Ourselves to Serve

As evil spreads, relieve our hearts’ distress;
Than self may we not love our neighbor less.
O God, turn men to truth, ourselves to serve,
From following Jesus let us never swerve.

Let God’s love console me

Psalm 119.73-80

  1. Since God created us and gave us life, we ought to seek his guidance on how to live, 73.
  2. A life which has God as its hope gives joy to many, 74.
  3. It is not because God doesn’t love us that he disciplines us, but because he does, 75.
  4. Such love of God’s consoles us in all our disappointments and frustrations, 76.
  5. Delight in God’s law opens his compassion and frees us to live, 77.
  6. The righteous does not waste time agonizing over the arrogant, but focuses on God’s precepts, 78
  7. In the midst of opposition, God’s people come together for mutual strength, 79.
  8. We pray, at last, that the heart may be wholly devoted to God’s statutes to avoid humiliation before him, 80.

The power of the Word

By Ron Thomas, Highway congregation, Sullivan IL

1 Peter 1:22-2:3

  1. The Word Purifies the Soul (1:22)
  2. By the Word one is Born Again (1:23)
  3. The Word of the Lord is Enduring (1:24)
  4. The Lord’s Word is Preached (1:25)
  5. The Lord’s Word Nourishes (2:2)

Eternal Light

Inspired by a prayer of Alcuin of York (c. 735-804).

Eternal Light, pierce the dark with day,
Eternal Goodness, deliver me from wrong,
Eternal Power, be my strength and stay,
Eternal Wisdom, teach me where I belong,
Eternal Pity, turn me back to the way,
Eternal Joy, place on my lips your song.
Eternal Victor, with you I never lose;
Eternal Will, the heavenly glory I choose.