Your name is above all names

Our Father in Heaven, your name is above all names. Your glory outshines all others. Let your name be often upon our lips in reverence and respect, but never lightly nor frivolously.

May the reign of Jesus come to more and more lives. Let this world know that you rule as Sovereign. Help us speak so that many might be placed under your benevolent care.

Father, we want to do your will and are committed as your people to fulfilling it. Give us strength to obey your commands. Give us power to convert others, that they too might give up their stubborn wills in order to submit to you. Continue reading “Your name is above all names”

Illustration: Apathy

By John Gaines, Antioch congregation, Snead AL

Winston Moseley died a few days ago. Few people would recognize his name. The 81-year-old man spent the last 52 years of his life in prison. In 1964, Moseley stabbed to death a young woman named Kitty Genovese in a brutal, gruesome killing.

What got people’s attention was the fact that there were 38 witnesses who watched Kitty’s murder, and no one did anything to help her even though she was screaming, “Help me!” It was only after she was dead that anyone bothered to call the police.

One of the witnesses later told law enforcement authorities, “I didn’t want to get involved.” (Washington Post, April 5, 2016).

This updates an illustration about apathy or indifference that some of us who have preached for a while may have used before.

God’s spiritual house

By Ron Thomas, Highway church, Sullivan IL

1 Peter 2:4-10

I. The Church is God’s Spiritual House Because

A. It is not made up of any material substance (2:5)

B. The Holy Spirit lives in Christians (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

C. The Holy Spirit guides it (1 Corinthians 3:16)

D. The sacrifices are spiritual in nature (cf. Hebrews 13:15) Continue reading “God’s spiritual house”

Grateful for improvements to life, increase the fear of you

God who cares for the smallest detail of creation, thank you for the many improvements to life that we enjoy in our world. How much prosperity so many of us enjoy! What a privilege to live in these days of convenience and increasing options.

We are grateful that poverty has decreased in the world, but we are aware that many still lack basic necessities of life. Continue reading “Grateful for improvements to life, increase the fear of you”

Source and Center

You, O Lord, are source and center,
Let me in your portals enter;
Walk with me the straight and narrow,
Watch with care your smallest sparrow.

You, O God, are shield and savior,
Rock and tower, loving neighbor;
Life and blessing yours forever,
Faithfulness our long endeavor. Continue reading “Source and Center”

Excited about this day

Lord God of love, let me be excited about this day, as a time to love, to give, to call to faith, as the hour of salvation, as a moment of new birth from heaven, of truth and knowledge, of hearing the Good News, as a space to welcome the Only Son and walk in the light.

Heavenly Father, make this day a challenge to the will, to decide to be the lover and giver that you are; a stimulation for the mind, to understand better the marvels of your wisdom; a brace for the emotions, to feel the joy of knowing you and of entering into your fellowship; a hope for the spirit, to escape the chains of sin and embrace eternal life in the Son.

Give, O Lord who enjoys giving

O Lord who enjoys giving to his creatures, we thank you for every gift received and for your faithfulness in providing for every need and making our cup overflow.

Give us your wisdom to live well upon the earth and to influence others for eternity, for you have instructed us to ask.

Give us your patience, that we might devote ourselves tirelessly to our task. Continue reading “Give, O Lord who enjoys giving”