By John Henson, McMinnville TN
Text: James 1:19-27
- Attention (Verses 19-20)
- Reception (Verse 21)
- Application (Verses 22-25)
- Action
The good news of Christ
By John Henson, McMinnville TN
Text: James 1:19-27
‘Tis common sense the world lauds,
Above the follies of the fool,
But I seek wisdom that is God’s,
As that one worthy, precious jewel.
O Lord, from you discernment I ask,
As I make righteousness my task.
Our short attention span
limits to what we can
do and pray and think —
our mind the weakest link.
Give strength to our soft mind,
O Lord, that we might find
the truth and apply today
your wisdom, without delay.
With selfies is the world obsessed —
Appearance — figures that look the best —
The eye sees only flesh and youth,
The painted nail, the whitened tooth;
From beauty’s love, O Lord, protect —
It fails to see the worth of the soul —
The Spirit’s fruit in me perfect,
Where Jesus’ face is captured whole.
What windows look upon your face,
Through darkest hour and hardest race,
Where can we see the upward turn? —
Your sovereign hand we’d soon discern.
I see the waves and howling wind,
The chilly vale where men walk blind,
And fail, in swelling pride, to heal —
I most believe the fear I feel.
Till Jesus comes, will I have faith?
Or will I be an object of wrath?
My will to endure, O Lord, is small —
Along the way let me not fall.
From a series on the pains of the Christian. One of those pains is persecution.
Text: 2 Tim 3.6-17
The longings of man, O Lord, run deep,
Desires of body and soul,
They ruin his day, disturb his sleep,
And make of him a fool.
No passion is greater than need for you,
No wider emptiness;
Than self is required a vaster view,
Which pride balks to confess. Continue reading “See All My Pain and Need”
Hope for me, a light, no matter how faint,
From heaven shines — even when evils paint
Their darkest colors and into the heart the cold
Of doubt seeps and chills, when men grow bold
To oppress the poor and weak — but still I see
That ray descending — answer to prayer — to free
My soul from despair. O save me, Lord — ’tis gone
My strength, awaiting the sun beyond the dawn.
Save me, Lord, for I am weak,
Love me with your love undying,
Satisfy me with all I seek,
My deepest need in Christ supplying.
Cast me, Lord, your single net,
Use me for a soul’s salvation;
Honor my tears and blood and sweat,
To build on Christ’s secure foundation.
Whatever comes my way I will
accept with quiet gratitude:
What I receive today will give
me cause for joy, all in good time;
And if tomorrow shall remove
what makes me glad today, I’ll thank
the Lord above for his good gift,
allowing me that cherished hour.