Gratitude for coherent vision

Thank you, Lord, for a coherent vision of life. Under your guidance, all things make sense. Those things we’ve not figured out yet, we recognize that you understand and in your time will reveal them, even though it be in the final judgment.

So we trust in you.

Thank you, heavenly Father, for the strength to tackle each day and the power to be different, to make a difference in people’s lives.

So we ask for your Spirit.

Thank you, O God, for revealing your will to the little people in the world, who receive it gladly.

So we seek for it humbly.

Thank you, O Revealer of truth, for free and easy access to your living Word, which guides us, instructs us, transforms us, and gives us hope of eternal life.

So we guard it in our innermost being.

Things that don’t make sense

  1. Zeal without knowledge, Prov 19.2; Rom 10.2.
  2. Riches without wisdom, Eccl 4.13; Mark 10.17-27.
  3. Sex without commitment, Gen 2.24; Heb 13.4.
  4. Hope without reason, Prov 10.28; 1 Pet 3.15.
  5. Faith without obedience, Acts 6.7; Rom 1.5; Jas 2.14-26.

What points might you add?

We never want to see death

What power in Jesus’ words! They shake our world, and challenge our most cherished beliefs. They show our self-reliance to be a sham.

I want to find a place in my heart for his words, O God. Let them penetrate and transform. Let them bring to me the Spirit of truth.

I hear and respond, O Lord. In my hearing and responding, be my Father. We honor the Son, whose day Abraham saw, and we honor the Father, who sent us the Son.

We never want to see death, our Father. So help us to obey the Lord Jesus, whom none can prove guilty of sin.

Use the truth to free us so that we may be really free. As your children, we desire to remain with you forever.

We Ask in Joy

Before you, Lord, a day of prayer and fasting,
We humble ourselves, we praise and plead and bow;
You are our God, the Sovereign everlasting,
You work your powerful will, we not know how;
Oh, hear us, Savior, relieve our anguish soon,
We ask in joy: fulfill your covenant vow,
That in your grace your people might commune.

We have experienced your goodness

Thank you, heavenly Father, for another opportunity this year to focus on prayer. Impress upon our hearts yet again what a privilege it is to be able to have an audience with you at any time. Make this month special to us as we devote ourselves more intently on our prayers and on seeking your face.

We are grateful that when two or three agree in the kingdom and ask that your will be done, that you will do it.

Thank you for hearing us individually when we pray to you in private.

We have experienced your goodness, often shown to us in answered prayers. Let us never be bashful in seeking your blessing for ourselves and our neighbors.

Jesus is our example in prayer, so we praise you for the revelation of his life and relationship with you.

Help us to be more like him every day, in our prayers and in every way.

If you have died with Christ

By John Henson, Dibrell church, McMinnville TN

Colossians 2:20-23

  1. Then Why Are Some Worldly (verses 20-22)?
  2. Then Why Do Some Engage in Self-Made Religion (verse 23a)?
  3. Then Why Are So Many Engaged in Things That Have No Value (verse 23b)?

We Want to Eat His Bread

The sinner’s response is fight or flight
From your great glory and holy light,
So teach us how to humbly submit,
To seek your face, and never quit
Our service to Christ. We want to eat
His bread and make your will our meat.
What you in all of Scripture wrote
We want to know, to love devote
Ourselves, as Jesus did. Create
In us desire for heaven’s Gate.

A whole day to praise you

A whole day to praise and dedicate to you! Let it be a day of joy and laughter, peace and contentment, gratitude and counting of blessings.

Let the sun in its journey through the sky praise you. Let the chatter of the maritacas in the trees call out your glory. Let the quiet of the morning and the conversations of the day reflect your presence.

Thank you, Lord, for the spiritual family in Christ who love us and whom we may love with zeal and fervor. Let our love be genuine, our fellowship unmarred by selfishness or second guessing.

Let us see your goodness in the food, family, and fellowship that we enjoy today. May Jesus be in our midst, in love and power.

8 things that won’t change on November 9

By Bobby Cloyd, Smithville TN

  1. God is still in control, Job 42:2, Isa 55:8-9.
  2. We stll have a duty to respect the office, Rom 13:1-3.
  3. We have a duty to obey God rather than man, Acts 5:9.
  4. We still have a duty to proclaim the gospel, Mat 28:18-20.
  5. We still need to be a proper godly example.
  6. We have the duty to expose wickness and stand for the truth, 2 Tim 3:2.
  7. We still have duty to treat each other like brethren, Jn 13:34-35.
  8. We still have duty to treat our neighbors as ourselves, Mat 7:12.

Pray for our country and then act.

You’re not merely a polite listener

Lord, I bumped into an acquaintance in a store yesterday. She talks nonstop. I almost feel sorry for her, because of whatever need she feels that keeps her talking all the time. After a while patience runs out, and I have to run away from her.

But you’re not like that with those who come to you constantly with their needs. You’re not merely a polite listener looking to escape the torrent of words at the first opportunity. You hear and respond. You answer prayer. You are glad when we come to you.

Thank you for your open door, for always welcoming us in our prayers, for working in us and through us for good. There is no one else for us. We have nowhere else to go but you. You hold out the hope of eternal life and the peace the passes understanding. The world gropes in the dark for some meaning and finds only scraps and tatters. Blessed be the Lord who calls us to love and purpose and fulfillment!