A description of Jesus

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Isaiah 11:2

  1. Wisdom and understanding (2a)
  2. Counsel and might (2b)
  3. Knowledge and respect (fear) (2c)

To Hear Another’s Need

Father, let me set aside my thoughts
To hear — really hear — my neighbor’s heart;
Let mine be genuine love that promotes
Acceptance, understanding of joy and hurt.

With harsh and mean opinion, let judgment cease —
I’d look upon the other as fellow prey
Of Satan, fellow goal of grace, remiss
In holiness, where mercy and patience apply.

To hear another’s need, I must assume
My own — confess, in all humility,
That I as well require, in your good time,
O Lord, a kind, expansive maturity.

In me make love unselfish and complete,
As you bless both the righteous and unjust;
Let prejudice meet, at last, its full defeat,
And victory come to meekness, as it must.

In Him, with Him

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Colossians 2:11-14

  1. In him you were circumcised (verse 11).
  2. With him you were buried in baptism (verse 12).
  3. With him you have been forgiven (verses 13-14).


An empty cupboard, closet, or tank
Cries out to be filled with fuel or clothes
Or food. ‘Tis you, O Lord, I thank,
Who fills me with grace that overflows.

May the election cause a change of heart

Lord God of heaven, who rules the affairs of men, bless the newly chosen president of the US with wisdom, discernment, desire for peace, to promote freedom of religion, movement, activity, and expression.

May the new president choose the government’s cabinet and counselors wisely.

May the election cause a change of heart, a moment of reflection upon past sins and immoralities. Not only in the president-elect, but in many others as well.

Upon taking office, may the American leader pursue policies that will promote justice and righteousness among the people.

Father, the US has great influence in the world still. Let it promote good will and peace.

And let all your people in every nation remember that you sent your Son to be Savior of the world, particularly of those who believe in him. Let us remember that, like him, we have been sent into the world to proclaim freedom from sin and reconciliation to every creature, great and small.

A Prayer for Peace

We pray for peace, and in our prayer we know
That only Christ can give it — To him we go,
To him we point when others moan and sigh
And want the world to cease its conflicts, try
As it might in human councils. Lord, it takes
Conversion — how well we know — to put the brakes
On man’s agression. Use us as your agents
Of reconciliation, give us patience
To speak and point to Jesus as the way —
To call for our repentance, for comes the day
Of judgment, when every soul’s deep thought is bared
For your appraisal — when only the saints prepared
For the end will enter that city’s calm to share,
When we’ll experience the peace of answered prayer.

Let me forget self

Blessed Savior, let me die to self and to the world that you may be glorified through the fruit born in my life. Let me forget self in order to find life in you.

  • Keep the USA secure today and in the days following the election.
  • Help our people to see how the denominations offer nothing of spiritual benefit, how only the family of faith can transmit your presence and power.
  • Keep the door of opportunity open so that your people may use the internet and other technologies to teach the gospel.
  • Strengthen every good effort for the truth, so that people may understand clearly your eternal plan and the path to enter the kingdom.
  • Make us more generous every day as we understand that all we have comes from you and makes us responsible as stewards for the use of what you have given us.
  • Thank you for so many good resources to understand the Word better. Let us be devoted to knowing your will.

The Saints Are People Just Like Me

The saints are people just like me:
A mix of passion and holy desire,
A fight between the world and heaven,
Decision to make your will prevail,
Commitment to follow the risen Lord.
Make my love for them sincere,
Devotion to your people strong,
Unfeigned and brotherly, deep and pure.
Among us, Lord, be honored and praised,
Your exalted name be glorified,
As we, together, walk in faith,
In fellowship of eternal tones.

God of Mighty Acts and Words

God of gods, Lord of lords,
King of kings, Almighty I-AM,
God of mighty acts and words,
God who promised to Abraham,
Who sent to earth the living Lamb.

Hear us now, O Lord, we plead,
Before your throne your people bow,
Meet us at our point of need,
Come to us in the here and now,
As silent snow on the barren bough.

Cover us with your sacrifice,
Cleanse us by your perfect blood,
Let Jesus for our sin suffice,
None is there but he who’s good,
Who comes again in power and cloud.

Glory to God, to God all praise,
His the honor, his the power,
Pleasant and kind are all his ways,
Devil and demons before him cower,
For us he’s rock and shield and tower.
