God cares more

“The moment you begin to blindly beg and plead with God to move on your behalf is the moment for you to take a step back and ask yourself the following questions. Do you believe God is a good God and your Heavenly Father? Are you praying out of a place of fear that perhaps he isn’t listening or that he won’t answer you unless you prove to him how desperate you are? Calm your heart, remind yourself of the truth, and pray from a place of trust that God cares about your situation far more than you do. Pray with the sure knowledge that you are a child of God and that he knows your voice, and hears your weakest whisper.” — K. Walden.

I don’t know who the person is who said it, but the words ring true, especially that God cares far more than we do.

Same is good, when it’s Jesus

This earthly life changes constantly. Many like variety. But in Christ sameness is a wonderful quality.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!
Heb 13.8

Here are four comforting truths that arise from this affirmation:

  1. Jesus is divine and eternal. He is God, and his work remains.
  2. Christ’s teaching never changes. His truth continues the same.
  3. His promise never fails. Our hope is firm.
  4. His constancy gives security to those who are in him.

What other points can you draw out from the sameness of Christ?

Lord, You Know

Lord, you know who needs the gospel truth,
To free them from the chains of Satan’s lies,
To live in perfect peace and certain hope,
To receive that purest love that never fails.

May I, O God, on hearing your surest word,
Know too who stands without the cleansing blood;
Give to your humble servant the courage of love
To speak the only message that saves the sinner.

No Reluctant Voice

Let me be, O Lord, no reluctant voice,
To speak that all might make the constraining choice,
Of perfect love that in the soul compels
To follow the Christ, to drink from living wells,
To come with courage to your graceful throne—
And, coming, let me never come alone.

What can keep us from God

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Psalm 70:5

  1. Pride keeps us from God (Psalm 10:4; Proverbs 16:18).
  2. Possessions can keep us from God (Luke 18:18ff).
  3. Arrogance can keep us from God (James 4:13-16).
  4. What can bring us closer to God?
    • Psalm 70:5 “I am poor and needy.”
    • Matthew 18:3-4 Become as little children.
    • Psalm 51:17 “Poor, contrite heart.”
    • Isaiah 66:2 God can save the humble.

Let There Be Blindness

O God, how hard to find what’s good and wholesome!
The world knows only what’s evil, vile, and loathsome;
Among your people make rule your love and kindness,
Toward race and age and wealth let there be blindness.
Let us see what you see from high in heaven,
And seek that place above where all’s forgiven.

Desire and Aim

Your way of wisdom, Lord, is my desire,
Your love of man, O God, I would acquire;
In holiness, like you I strive to live,
With free and generous heart, teach me to give.

To be like you, my Savior, my only aim,
To never end a day as I was, the same;
Perfect me, draw me upward, into the light,
To dwell forever upon your city’s height.

Sure of Your Good Will

Regardless, Lord, of this world’s worst,
In spite of evil and harm and ill,
Let us be sure of your good will,
And always put your kingdom first.

Let none spurn faith, let none ask why
You cause the innocent early to die;
Instead, may we all marvel how,
In patience, you let us live until now.

On Principle Let Me Stand

O Lord, remove from me that flat desire
To free myself, like cunning Pilate, to please
The clamoring crowd, and cowardly fearing the ire
Of others, making political moves to appease
The popular demand. On principle let me stand:
Commitment to Christ, forever faithful, strong
In truth, to suffer for love, the Word in hand —
My eyes on you, the Lord whose patience is long.

Bring them back

Jas 5.19-20

  1. Spiritual objective: our purpose is to bring forgiveness of sins and salvation from eternal death.
  2. Community objective: the responsibility belongs to all.
  3. Optimistic objective: restoration can happen.