Give Me a Soul to Teach

Give me today, O Lord, a soul to teach,
A lost and wayward soul to lead to the light,
A helpless soul with eternal need to reach,
A soul to love, with the strength of Jesus’ might.

Praise for Word and Rescue

Father of lights, Eternal Lord,
We praise you, Sovereign God, for Word
And Rescue, heavenly thought and act,
For total truth and gospel fact,
For precious promises, all fulfilled,
For power of your command which stilled
The winds and water, and human heart;
For love—from which no force can part
The faithful; for glad humility
That brought us hope from a living tree.

When I turn away from the mirror of your Word

God, help me to remember what I have seen when I turn away from my reflection in the mirror of your Word to interact with others. Your grace and your love, incarnated so vividly in Jesus, provide a model for me and show me how I should walk and talk. Help me to live for you, and not to trust only in having talked with you. Hear my cries when I grieve. Turn my heart and my feet toward you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Michael Summers

Darth Vader and me

Our Father in heaven, let us not be controlled by the fear of loss and be led away from our faithful commitment to Christ.

Let us not destroy years of good and a life of faith by a moment of weakness, doubt or foolishness.

Keep us from believing that a desirable end justifies a wrong decision.

Help us to look for the way of escape when temptation comes and to succeed over the devil’s wiles.

Help us to be sober and vigilant, watching always in vigilance, steadfast in prayer, in the Word, and in fellowship with the saints.

Help us to do good, today, tomorrow, and always, never veering from the right path.

Give us strength to live according to the truth that every choice matters.

This prayer was inspired by Stephen Bradd’s article, “The Making of Darth Vader.”

Why are you sad?

Luke 24.13-17

  1. When Jesus conquered death?
  2. When God works providentially in your life?
  3. When God has made forgiveness available to you?

—Bobby Cloyd, Keltonburg TN congregation

Never a glass half empty

Father, let us never be people
who only see a glass half empty,
but a nation who lives in your fullness,
a family who dives into piled-up grace,
who delights in gift upon gift,
agents of a single mission who refuse
to keep salvation for self,
who understand that gospel means sharing,
that Good News means speaking,
that the Cross is proclamation,
and that the Spirit brings transformation
and a change of eternal destiny.

Lord God, keep us from squabbles and minor issues,
tear from us the tendency toward clergy preachers,
pride in physical things and buildings,
merit of our own construction,
and build us up in the Word as members of the body,
each one aware of his responsibility,
each one active in his place,
everyone contributing to the greater good
and growth of the saints.

Authority to forgive

Father, we are grateful that you know our deepest need and that Jesus has power and authority on earth to forgive our sins.

We are grateful that he comes to us and calls us to follow him, for we are sick people in need of a doctor.

Lord, we are grateful to devote ourselves to prayer and fasting while we wait for the powerful coming of our Savior from heaven.

We are grateful that the Christ is among us and willing to be touched with our petitions of pain and grief.

Sovereign God, we are grateful that our faith brings healing and that the mercy of Christ restores our senses.

We are grateful for his compassion that drives him to all the towns and cities and ask that you send workers into his harvest.

Based on Matthew 9.

The Self, the Heart, the Flesh

The self desires to follow its will,
The greedy heart wants more and more,
The flesh’s appeal is hard to kill—
All these, O Lord, help me ignore.

Man of Faith

Lord, help me be a man of faith,
To grasp your promise, the ground beneath
My confidence, in me perfect
Your love, the Spirit’s power unchecked.

Praise for every good thing that exists

God of heaven, you are to be praised for every good thing that exists, for you are good and in power bring blessing to our lives.

We thank you for your abundant mercy that spills over from us to others who also, like us, need your compassion.

Let not our failings hurt the progress of the gospel. Forgive us and place us in the work that pleases you.

Your will is to save as many as possible. Let this be our life objective.

Strengthen us against temptation, and give us joy in the task ahead.

We thank you for daily bread and daily life in Christ.

Blessed be the God and Savior of the saints across the earth! Let all creation raise its voice in praise to you!