Pull us from this world’s idolatry

Our Father in heaven, pull us from this world’s idolatry. You are the only God. May your words dwell in our hearts.

Bring your Spirit near and bind him to our souls. Let nothing, let no one separate us from the love of Christ.

Guide us in your life. Guard us from the evil one. Direct our steps by day and by night.

Create in us that new heart of courage, holiness, and godly fear. Work in us to produce faith, love, and hope.

Let every mention of your name, O God, be sacred. We tremble before your majesty. Tears of joy descend because your love shines brighter every day.

God forgive our failure

God forgive our failure to speak to every person we meet about the gospel.

God forgive our lack of godliness and holiness and our love for the present world.

God forgive our selfish ambition and our pursuit of carnal passions.

God forgive our brotherly love grown cold.

God forgive our neglect of prayer and the Word.

God forgive our erratic discipleship, wobbling back and forth between submission to the Lord and our own stubborn wills.

God give us repentance from our willful ways, faith to follow in the darkest days, discipline to forge ahead, courage to speak truth and challenge error, love and fear for your holy name, devotion to the way of life eternal.

Leave None the Same

O Lord, our God, Defender and Shield,
Giver of growth and seed for the field,
Yours is the praise, the glory and power,
The weak and weary run to your tower.

Hear now, O God, our fervent prayer,
Confessing need, our hearts laid bare:
Come fill our souls, remove our shame,
Make firm our faith, leave none the same
While we for heaven’s home prepare;
In us, O Lord, glorify your Name.

Work Among Us

Terrible times we face — we tremble,
O God, so now, together, we assemble
To cry for mercy — Increase our strength!
Deepen our faith! — We seek, at length,
New heavens and earth, the Son in glory —
Freedom from worldly category!

Our wonder is prayer, that lively phone —
The Spirit’s carriage to heaven’s throne!
Hear, O Lord, the soul’s deep groan!
Against the world raise high the walls,
Inside the Body, we hearken Paul’s
And John’s and Matthew’s holy calls.

Work among us, servants of heart
And soul and mind — Make wide
Your space of freedom — Never depart,
O God, for Jesus’ bleeding side,
His pierced hands, his bruised brow,
His shadowed cross are before us now.

As Jesus Shook Foundations

O God, who walked this earth and looked
His fellow man eye to eye,
Who touched and healed the sick and lame,
Who took upon yourself our blame:
Make our own words sanctify
Those who surround us — as Jesus shook
Foundations, let our faith transform
Souls who must face the coming storm.

The Night Is Gone

The night is gone, the day has dawned,
And God smiles on his chosen people;
Be the love of Christ our strength and bond:
When trials assail, let hearts be peaceful.

Praise belongs to you

Father in heaven, praise belongs to you for your justice, for bringing through Christ our justification, for carrying through with your saving purpose, for the promise of judgment in the last day, when the righteous will be seen as righteous and the wicked will be revealed for what they are. May I and mine and all whom I touch be found among the righteous, because of our confession of Christ.

Praise belongs to you for your faithfulness, for your word which never fails, for frustrating the plans of the nations and the evil purposes of the people, for your protection of those who fear you, those who have anchored their hope in your love, those who imitate the perseverance of your Son and our savior Jesus Christ. May I and mine and all whom I touch be found among those who reverence your Name and place their future in your hands.

Praise belongs to you for powerful help, for looking down from heaven upon us in your mercy, for your protection of your people who have no other source of strength but you, who have surrendered the politics and wars and human efforts at bringing about the divine kingdom, who have submitted themselves to your sovereign rule and benevolent reign. May I and mine and all whom I touch be found among those who belong to the kingdom, who have entered into Christ by obedience and faith, who dedicate their lives to the progress of the gospel.

Praise is yours, O God, and glory, and dominion. Yours, too, are wisdom, and power, and might, and splendor forever and ever. And ours is the joy and hope and love found only in Jesus Christ.

In this prayer you’ll find echoes of Psalm 33. If you can say amen to this prayer, please share it with others who might join us in that amen. Also, consider signing up to Believing Prayer, and receive the full text of the prayers by email.

Through the pains of suffering

Lord God and Father in Heaven, you know our hearts, our struggles, our joys, our desires. Transform us into the image of your Son. Create in us the soul designed for eternity. Give us wholeness, sincerity, integrity, and holiness in Christ. Make us men and women of faith. Carry us through our day with patience, longsuffering, wisdom, and love. Bring us through the pains of suffering with maturity and strength. Embolden us in your power.

Defend us in your glory

Be with us, O Lord, that you may defend us in your glory.
Be among us, that you may receive us.
Be around us, that you may preserve us.
Go before us, that you may lead us.
Be on our side, that you may intercede for us.
Be above us in all things, that you may bless us.
Summon us to your Kingdom
Where you live and reign forever.

—Alcuin, in D. Dale, A Mind Intent on God, 5

The prayer you taught us

Oh, Lord, the prayer you taught us to pray covers the bases. We direct our hearts and thoughts to you as he who dwells in heaven and is the source of all that is good. Your relationship to us as Father determines how we regard every other relationship. The deep reverence for your name awakens in us a corresponding respect for all you have done, for the life you place in others, and for the purpose you have given us here on earth.

That purpose is wrapped up in the kingdom, in your powerful and gracious rule over mankind. May more and more people acknowledge you. Help us to work so that others may confess you.

When they do, they, like we, will fulfill your will. What we want is not important. We have so little basis for judging what is good and right and beneficial. Our emotions get in the way. Our desires drive us far from the ultimate good. We confess our limitations. We want what you want, O Lord. Make your will predominate, just as angels and spiritual beings do your will without question or doubt in the heavenly realms.

It’s a hard world down here, while all seems to go smoothly up there. We work hard, money is tight, budgets get out of control. We worry about paying bills, at the same time that we spend on unnecessary items. How we waste our resources! In all that material confusion and weakness, Father, help us to depend upon you to provide for our needs. You always have. We’ve never gone hungry. We’ve always had clothes to wear. Give us control of our income. Provide us with work of dignity and sufficiency. Continue reading “The prayer you taught us”