Responsibility for my actions

Lord, I take responsibility for my actions today and for my reactions to all that has happened to me in the past and that will happen today. I will blame no one. I will offer no excuses. I will seek no easy escape. I will possess the mind of Christ and show his kindness and patience.

You know that I am not capable of this, so I trust in your strength to be possessed of this transformed life.

Father, your sons and daughters also need such desire and power for life in Christ. So many of them are new in faith. Some are weak in their walk. Some have not yet seen the joy of full devotion. Some suffer mental anguish. Others face persecution and hardship.

Thank you for our family of faith. Let none wander away. Keep us all safe. Make love our language. Fulfill your will in us. Find praise in our midst. Blessed are you, O God, for your wisdom and compassion to make us your people and to give us those brothers and sisters that walk with us.

What Distance Gapes

Before your glory, O God, we see our sin —
Hideous, horrible, ripping you from our souls —
What distance gapes between your holiness
And our uncleanness! Woe is me! — Woe!
The hand must cover the mouth: “Impure! Impure!”
To wash our hearts, to whom, to whom must we go?

What Word Have We to Say?

What word, O Lord, have we to say
but praise and gratitude?
From your good hand, day by day,
come life and love and food.

O God, let grace for abounding grace
be found upon our lips;
For heaven’s blessing in every place
all pains and hurts eclipse.

Cats & Minnows, Dogs & Sows

Just before bed, I sanded the second coat of joint compound on some bedrooms now that we’re empty-nesters.  To keep dust from billowing throughout the house, I stapled a plastic sheet between the dining room and the hallway.  It also had a second purpose: to keep our cat out of the dust.

That was not to be.  When we got out of bed the next morning, we found a very distressed pet covered in white powder meowing on the wrong side of the plastic.  Curious, she had nosed her way under the sheet and then found herself unable to exit–much like a minnow would enter a trap.

We were unhappy with her, but because we love her, we got her out and dusted her off.  Within minutes of setting her down, though, we were dismayed to find her once again on the other side of the plastic!

As I often do, I saw this as a spiritual illustration.  God tries to protect us by giving us clear limits for living our lives, but we rail against the translucent sheet, believing that He is keeping us from worldly ‘fun’ we could be having.  Sometimes, we’re just curious.  Often we believe that we can just nose under the plastic a little, but a little turns into more until we’re trapped.  We cry out for help, and God rescues us, dusts us off, and sets us back to safety.  He’s perhaps a bit disappointed that we went past the limits He has set up for us, but He loves us.

But then we do the unimaginable.  We return to the very sin that we’ve been saved from.  We once more go beyond the plastic and find ourselves covered in white powder.  Sometimes we curse ourselves for once more being deceived and think ourselves unloved or incapable of obedience.  Often we turn against God, believing Him incapable of keeping us from our situation.

Eventually, we can find ourselves in the situation of those spoken of in 2 Peter 2:19-22:

“… a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.”

We must not be a washed sow wallowing once again in the mud or a dog returning to its vomit.  Rather, we must submit to our good Father’s limits, knowing they are there for our good.  Then we won’t be a minnow caught in a trap — or a dust-covered cat beyond the plastic.


Your Perfect Plan of Love

Acts 4.23-31

Master of all, who made the heaven and earth
and sea, and every creature that they contain,
who by the Holy Spirit, through David, said:

“The nations rage, and foolish people plot;
Together earthly Kings and rulers stood
against the Lord, against his chosen Christ.”

You knew, O Lord, and know, the mind of man!
His thoughts are ever foolish, even from birth;
for your perfect plan of love he shows disdain.

And still Immanuel came! He chose to shed his blood;
with frail and humble humans he cast his lot —
the First of heaven in place of the lost, and last.

O Lord, you raised the Son of Man from the dead!
The Spirit’s power at work in impotent flesh
now gives a soul a chance to start afresh.

Yours Is the Day

Yours is the day, yours also the night,
Creator of every heavenly light,
Sun, moon, and stars unnumbered,
Before your greatness man is humbled.

You do not sleep, nor nap, nor slumber,
The hairs of our head, you know their number,
We fall before your holy beauty,
Teach us, Lord, our divine duty.

We Need Relief

When pressure comes, we need relief —
O God, provide!
In loss and pain, we feel great grief —
Come, Lord, abide!

The heavy heart bears crushing weight —
Give Jesus’ load!
Let our steps pass the narrow gate
To your abode!

Energy and motivation today

Father of your people, thank you for bringing us to life. Give us energy and motivation today to serve with love and kindness.

Prepare me for that great day in heaven.

Give me ever greater assurance of salvation and of your existence, of your nature to reward the one who seeks you.

Help me live in holiness and fear of you.

Thank you for the blessings of the morning, for the lovingkindess of the day, for the peace and contentment of the evening.

Make your presence known.

Yours is the praise, the honor, and glory now and forever.

Who Do You Say I Am?

In our Western culture, we’re used to checklists to remember what items we have to buy at the grocery store or to separate out the tasks we must accomplish at work from who we really are on the weekends!  We have even made our Christian walk a checklist of things to do to be right with God and in doing so have connect our heads without our hearts.  Christianity is a relationship with the Almighty God, and He wants all of us: heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I. Luke 9:18-22.  Peter answered the most essential question.  In Matthew 16:16-18, Jesus adds that upon Peter’s confession of Him as Lord and Christ that He would build His church.  Peter’s confession became a declaration in Acts 2:36-41 and 3000 obeyed and were added to Jesus’ church that day.

II. Philippians 2:9-11.  We all must answer the most essential question.  Atheism is temporary as every knee will bow to Jesus as Lord.  Even those who ignore or avoid the question are answering it in this life.  It is better to confess Him as Lord now while still alive than wait until after death to know the truth.

III. Colossians 2:6-12.  As we have received Christ Jesus as Lord, so we are to continue to live in Him.  This means that confessing Jesus as Lord is not just words we utter.  It goes beyond loving Him from the head; we must love Him from the heart as well: heart, soul, mind, and strength in a close relationship of obedience to Him.

Christianity is what we are, not what we do.  We ‘do’ from the belief we hold.  We must be ‘all in’ for God, so that our every word and deed shows our answer to the most essential question that Jesus asks each and every one of us: Who do you say I am?

Breathe in me the desires of the Holy Spirit

Our Father in Heaven, glorify your name this day in us and in our speech and actions.

Save me this day, O Father, that I might live in your presence and serve you, for your pleasure.

Show me, Father, how to pray more for your kingdom.

Open my eyes to needs. Reveal the opportunities to help others, for I am often focused on my own affairs.

Put power in my hands and humility in my heart.

Wash me constantly in the blood of Jesus my Lord.

Breathe in me the desires of the Holy Spirit.

No measure can be taken of your greatness. You explode all our categories of thought and dimension.

Open my ears to your word. Let your blessed strength enter my heart to transform and empower.

Bring your fellowship near. Make the joy of your presence real. Let us as your people live in true communion.

Break out your song of salvation among us.