What do you emphasize in prayer?

After noting what the newly crowned Solomon requested of God, Don R. wrote:

Did you take note of the things for which Solomon did not ask: riches, wealth, honor, the life of his enemies, and long life?

Those are the very things we want, and we strive earnestly to get them, but they elude us.

Yet, the Lord gave those things to Solomon because he gave the right emphasis in prayer, which truly showed his heart.

Read his short devotional at this link.

What do we mean by ‘Father in heaven’?

Mike Benson reflects on the meaning of “Father in heaven” when we pray.

I will speak for me. I probably need to spend more time thinking about what I’m actually saying in my private prayers.

“Father in heaven…”

If I am not very careful, the phrase may constitute little more than a thoughtless, repetitive habit.

Strangely enough, I don’t talk to my earthly father that way, but I tend to do so with my heavenly Father. Does he ever get weary of my redundancy?

What am I really saying when I articulate the words, “Father in heaven…”?

Read his whole article here on Forthright Magazine.

Reverence in prayer

Ben G. asks us,”Do you remember this when praying?

A while ago, I heard a young person start of his prayer with, “Hey God! What’s up?!” When I heard that I just about fell over. I know prayer should be a deeply personal thing. But when we start talking to God like an equal, or like He is our ‘best bud’ at school or work, then maybe we need to reassess our mindset. Perhaps we need to have the attitude of the publican who wouldn’t even lift his eyes up to heaven because he was so aware of his sin (Luke 18:9-14).


Your word forever living

Your word forever living in my mind,
The Spirit shapes my heart, now Christ-defined,
Make me like him in word and work and will,
And every plan of faith for good fulfill.