Based upon an eighth-century prayer by Gelasian Sacramentary
Gracious God, whose gate of grace
And mercy always open stands
To those who seek your shining face,
Reward for keeping blessed commands: Continue reading “Unerringly to You”
The good news of Christ
Based upon an eighth-century prayer by Gelasian Sacramentary
Gracious God, whose gate of grace
And mercy always open stands
To those who seek your shining face,
Reward for keeping blessed commands: Continue reading “Unerringly to You”
Early every day I’m pleading,
Save me, Lord, your help I’m needing:
Satan lies to assail me, waiting,
Tempting, biding, luring, baiting. Continue reading “Early every day I’m pleading”
“God is love,” you tell us,
not merely that you have it,
or share it, or greatly show it;
It’s your very nature,
who you are, infused
throughout, you cannot be
Yourself without loving. Continue reading “We are love”
You are God, the Lord of life,
Yahweh, the Eternal is your name,
You were, you are, will ever be,
No turning shadow, e’er the same. Continue reading “You are God, the Lord of life”
O God of peace who freely shares,
In fretful hearts come reign;
We leave before your throne our cares,
Our hurts, our fears, our pain. Continue reading “May we to your Messiah fly”
“Greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss.” —1Th 5.26
Every sentence start with God,
Every word a courier of grace,
Every smile sincere of heart,
Every touch fraternal love,
Every greeting offer acceptance,
Every song a common hope,
Every prayer a divine embrace.
If they had told me, I would never have believed the peace and satisfaction that comes from your presence, O Lord.
Let me welcome the struggles, O God, as evidence of my desire to be made over again in the image of Christ. Continue reading “The most progress”
Your truth from heaven must travel to me,
Borne by the Spirit, bound in the Bible,
Lived by our Lord in his mission of love,
Such glories sublime to gladden my heart. Continue reading “The movement of truth”
Alone this hour are we,
Before the light I see,
You, Lord, are near,
Your word I hear,
A stronger saint make me. Continue reading “Time to watch and pray”
O Lord, the lies of the devil bind me to him, but the truth of the gospel frees me to love and serve and rejoice in you.
Satan tells me that I am alone and powerless to resist. You have shown that you are always near and ready to help. Continue reading “Lies of the devil”