Wherever I go, you are there, God omnipresent. Jonah thought he could flee from you, but we are glad that no one can go beyond your reach. For us as Christians, this is our joy and peace, as we penetrate the world with the gospel and count on the presence of Christ. Continue reading “Never beyond your reach”
Glad to show mercy
Heavenly Father, you are patient, that we might repent and find salvation. Let us not tire in our service to you. Let us be glad to show mercy. Let our truth be laced with love. Let us be always willing to bear with others.
The Lord Jesus did not waver in his purpose. Give us the same steady sight in doing your will. Continue reading “Glad to show mercy”
We have left another month in the year
Eternal God over and beyond time, we have left another month in the year, if you do not send the Lord Jesus before then, and if you choose to give us life until then. May we snap up the opportunities you give us in these last days. Continue reading “We have left another month in the year”
May this day be yours
God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we praise you for your goodness toward your people, for allowing us part in both receiving and taking the gospel into the world. Continue reading “May this day be yours”
Let swell in us your love of souls
Let swell in us your love of souls,
To speak the news of saving death;
Let men believe that we are fools,
So one might feel the Spirit’s breath. Continue reading “Let swell in us your love of souls”
Your name is You and all You are
Your name is You and all You are, O God,
So let it be often on my lips,
Stamped upon my heart,
And holy in our midst.
Let men praise your great deeds,
Let women sing your mighty acts,
Let children break out in chants to You,
Let mountains and valleys tremble before You. Continue reading “Your name is You and all You are”
To the world a light
A prayer based loosely on Isaiah 49
To the world a light, a burning hope,
A voice of restoration;
A hand to save from the slippery slope,
The Savior’s full salvation. Continue reading “To the world a light”
Better to ask the grass to grow less green
Better to ask the grass to grow less green,
Better to order the sky to dawn less blue,
And easier for God’s glory to be less seen,
Than for me to be to Christ less true. Continue reading “Better to ask the grass to grow less green”
To love and serve
Father, while last night we counted our blessings of the day, we awaken this morning to the prospect of wonderful opportunities to love and serve.
We will be grateful also in each moment of this day, for what we may learn and for how we may be of use to the kingdom. Continue reading “To love and serve”
Around your table
Around your table, Lord, let no betrayal form
In mind or heart, but each in place be pure and warm
To do the will of God, to join his hands in peace,
Where Christ become our only love and we decrease. Continue reading “Around your table”