The God of minors and majors

small-concernsThank you, Lord, for not despising our concern with daily bread, even while wars rage and the earth groans and nations are overturned.

In the details and minutiae of our day, turn us toward your glory.

We give you thanks for holding us up in the small moments, as well in in the the great hinges of life.

You are present in the smallest activities: shaving, bathing, sleeping, lounging, shopping, eating, commuting, brushing our teeth. Continue reading “The God of minors and majors”

With trembling hearts of love; a better sense of our noble purpose

noble-purposeDear God of all glory, our heavenly Father: we approach your divine righteous and good nature with trembling hearts of love and admiration for your prevailing mercy and kindness toward us—those made in your image.

Give us a better sense of our noble purpose here on this earth as we contemplate the perfect life of Jesus our Lord and Christ.

Help us to live every day with positive expectancy as we allow your loving nature to radiate outward toward our spiritual family, friends and neighbors.

We fervently pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Binkley, Sr., Cedar Key, FL