Thoughts for prayer strugglers

Chuck Webster shares some ideas for those (of us) who struggle with prayer. Worth one’s while. Among other things, he says,

Pray a really short prayer, or a really long one—it doesn’t matter. Some of your prayers will last about fifteen seconds as you walk the sidewalk to your front door in the evening. Others might last as long it takes you to fall asleep, or as long as the drive is to work or the grocery store. And then you’ll have some that are like the ones Jesus prayed when he went off into the wilderness—a time of uninterrupted, focused communion with the Lord. But whatever you do, don’t worry about the length. Pray from your heart . . . God hears the ten-second prayer just like he hears the thirty-minute one.

Prayer: Intrinsic advantages of the righteous path


O LORD our God and dear Father in heaven, we joyfully come before your awesome existence on this new day as we join our hearts with others around the world in giving you the highest possible praise for all good blessings.

As we give you all glory and honor, help us to see the intrinsic advantages of the righteous path Christ leads us, instead of thinking of the right way as being cumbersome.

We offer this prayer in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Binckley Sr.

Prayer: We trust you to lead us well


Whether it is pleasing or displeasing, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God to whom we send you that it may be well with us whan we obey the voice of the Lord our God. Jer 42:6 NKJV

But this is what I commanded them, saying, obey my voice and I will be your God, and You shall be my people. Jer 7:23 NKJV

Dear God, sometimes it is hard to obey, but we trust You to lead us well. Thank You that all of Your commands are good, and thank You for loving us and for drawing us near to You. Continue reading “Prayer: We trust you to lead us well”