Heavenly Father, men like Saul and Absalom sent up monuments to themselves, and we rightly regard them as self-centered. Our Lord Jesus Christ set up the breaking of bread as a monument to honor his death on the cross, and we give you glory for his selfless sacrifice. Continue reading “A monument to honor his death on the cross”
A Saturday mid-day prayer
If I have lost sight of my objectives for today, O Lord, place me back on track.
Help me make any needed adjustments so that the day can end well. Continue reading “A Saturday mid-day prayer”
I pray today for the Lord’s church in the USA
Dear God, while American denominations focus on the state of the country on their National Day of Prayer, I pray today for the Lord’s church in the US.
Give them dedication to being like our Lord Jesus Christ. Continue reading “I pray today for the Lord’s church in the USA”
In serving find solace
In our own hurts and needs, let us not ignore, O God, that we may still be used by you to serve others. And in that serving we may find solace and peace.
Let us not be afraid, but trust that you will always be near and strengthen us for every challenge.
Feed us, O God, with heavenly bread, and clothe us with your righteousness.
Keep my efforts for the kingdom from flagging
Was Jesus really the one? Is there really a life after death? Is heaven real? Does it matter in this life what I do?
O God, I sweep every doubt under feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will show me the truth.
Give me the strangeness of John the Immerser for the sake of the Kingdom. Thank you for the gift of greatness in the kingdom as one of your little ones. Continue reading “Keep my efforts for the kingdom from flagging”
Save us from sin
Save us, God of power and grace,
From sin, injustice, greed, and graft,
From tolerance, lack of zeal, and pride,
From hardness of heart and loveless practice. Continue reading “Save us from sin”
Let our lives not be mere talk
As a servant of Christ and a steward of your great mysteries, Father, I want to be faithful. I ask your help that I might never falter nor fail in my responsability.
Let me serve without regard to human evaluations, but be always aware that you know the intentions of the heart. I work to receive my recognition from you. Continue reading “Let our lives not be mere talk”
They just don’t get it, Lord
They just don’t get it, Lord. Time and time again they have heard. They ooh and aah. They find it so interesting. They want it to help them have a better life. But they’re trying to get without giving. Or give what they are willing to let go of. Continue reading “They just don’t get it, Lord”
Another breath we don’t deserve
We’re glad to have another day,
Another breath we don’t deserve;
Be present, Lord, keep the world at bay,
Let us, your people, like Jesus, serve.
Doing good deeds of kindness
Hear our prayers, O God, as we come into your presence with bright hopes on this fresh day.
Help us, dear heavenly Father, to be stronger in the way we make our stand for Christ in every facet of our lives, especially in the battle against the forces of evil.
Bless us with the fullness of your grace so that we will not shrink from doing good deeds of kindness that we learn from Christ our Lord. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
—David Binckley, Sr.