Let us not add to the suffering of others

Lord who took upon himself our pain, let us not add to the suffering of others, but work to relieve it.

God who brought peace through violence suffered by your Son, let us be your sons and daughters by promoting and pursuing peace.

Father who loves selflessly, who gave your Son and who gives all good things without measure, let us love because of who we are and not because of what we want others to be.

A perfect purpose

A perfect purpose planned
And carried out flawlessly,
Before the start of time,
When nothing was but You:
Spirit, thought, and Trinity,
Love contained in itself,
Desire to spread and touch
Another being, a soul
Free to choose or reject.

For such a plan as this,
O Lord, we give you praise.

Today we begin NaPraWriMo. Join in!

To Do What None Is Willing

Keep eyes away from others,
To do what none is willing:
To pray, avoiding pride;
Return again and again,
Unceasing, constant, true;
Know goodness, strength, and love
In showers of prayer to heaven,
Asking, pleading, praising;
And reach the blessed end
In unimpeded communion.

Darkened Death

Wood and hammers, piercing spear,
Color of blood, smell of fear,
Cries of anguish, hopeless moans,
Broken flesh, protected bones.
Aching thirst, whispering lips,
Open wounds, welts of whips,
Empty laughter, soldiers’ bets,
Darkened death, forgiven debts.

Importance of prayer in sharing the gospel

Dewayne Bryant reminds us to pray for the lost:

All around us are people who do not know, or have not submitted to, Jesus Christ. As Christians, we understand the joyful blessings that are part of living a Christian life. We also understand the consequences of departing this life without knowing Christ. While there are many things we can do to reach the lost, we cannot forget about the importance of prayer as part of our efforts to share the gospel with others.

Read his whole article here.

From truth, many turn aside

From truth, many turn aside,
They turn instead to myths and lies;
Unwilling to change, they can’t abide
Repentance, with fables disguise
Rebellion, the joy of life untried.

O Lord, from falsehood, protect and keep,
Lest I, too, fall and turn to sin;
Let not my eyes grow heavy and sleep,
Shore up my strength that truth may win.


We humbly cry

We humbly cry: help us, Lord,
Our need is great, deny us not,
You alone we yearn to know,
Without your presence we will perish!