Thanks for small victories

Thank you, God above, for small victories. Let us not overlook them as we wait for the greater triumph. Help us to make the small victories accumulate until they lead to the ultimate one.

To see who we are

Father, your glory shows your nature. Although we get only a glimpse of your power and might, yet what we do see reflects your true self.

We also want others to see who we truly are as your children, as redeemed people, as saints concerned to do right, as those who reject evil and embrace righteousness. Continue reading “To see who we are”

Far from your presence

Nothing surpasses having a clean heart, O God, so that we may come near to you. Far from your presence, we chase after love in endless pursuit and constant frustration. Let us turn to you in full confidence of faith, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, that the Spirit transforms us into the divine image, and that you work in us and through us and for us for your eternal glory. Continue reading “Far from your presence”

What yet we lack

Show us, God who sees the hearts and minds of all, what yet we lack to be complete in Christ.

Our one desire is for eternal life. Let us be willing to surrender anything in order to possess it.

Our one direction is toward heaven. Help us to remove any obstacle in our way.

Our one goal is to be like Christ. Keep us from quenching the Spirit and frustrating his work in us toward that end.

How little

How little, O Lord, are we inconvenienced for the gospel’s sake, next to the suffering that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ endured for our salvation!

How small our efforts are, which we feel make us tired and discouraged, next to the dedication and longsuffering of the Master as he attempted to teach multitudes and followers! Continue reading “How little”

Make us new again today

Make us new again today, O Lord! Just as you make the sun arise to produce a new day, may the Lord Jesus shine anew in our hearts.

The trials and challenges of the yesterday have left their mark. For those of today we seek new strength. For the storms that quickly arise we need more faith. Give us clearer sight for new opportunities.

Make us new again today!