God’s model for the church’s prayers

  1. Content — Jesus gave what we rightly call the “model prayer” Mt 6; Lk 11, as a guide for what should be included in our prayers, as Paul did in 1 Tim 2.1-7;
  2. Candidate — We talk about the right candidate for baptism, but there is also a right candidate for leading prayer as well, 1 Tim 2.8:
    (a) Males;
    (b) Not just any male, but one who is holy and not angry;
  3. Comprehension — People must be able to understand the prayer, 1 Cor 14.13-16.

Outline from randalmatheny.com.

God of Mighty Acts and Words

God of gods, Lord of lords,
King of kings, Almighty I-AM,
God of mighty acts and words,
God who promised to Abraham,
Who sent to earth the living Lamb.

Hear us now, O Lord, we plead,
Before your throne your people bow,
Meet us at our point of need,
Come to us in the here and now,
As silent snow on the barren bough.

Cover us with your sacrifice,
Cleanse us by your perfect blood,
Let Jesus for our sin suffice,
None is there but he who’s good,
Who comes again in power and cloud.

Glory to God, to God all praise,
His the honor, his the power,
Pleasant and kind are all his ways,
Devil and demons before him cower,
For us he’s rock and shield and tower.


The Power to Do Is Yours

Praise be yours for your eternal plan,
For faithful, selfless love shared freely with man,
For wisdom in your world, for truth to guide,
For giving a mind to think and a will to decide.
The power to do is yours, from you success —
We fail and stumble often, we confess!
Lord, give us deeper faith and make us strong,
Remind us, in our hearts, to whom we belong.
To you are glory, strength, and every praise,
O holy God, for perfect are your ways!


First day

First day, exciting day, a rousing day for praise,
For worship, building up the church, this special Day of days.
Give words, O Savior, fitting words, to bless your blessed name,
Surrounded by the worthy saints, I’ll never be the same!