The World Away from Me

2 Corinthians 12.15

The world away from me is vast.
I would despair and stand aghast
Were it not for the Lord who said
We must not fear nor feel its dread,
For he is with us to the end.
Oh, God, may I be spent and spend.

Open to Me, Father

Open to me, Father, the pages of Scripture,
Show me your Self, your works of wonders,
What you hate, what you practice,
What you love, all your commandments,
Purpose of heart, and ways of wisdom.

Open, Lord, your mind of reason,
Show me the sense of this world’s workings,
How you bless, all things providing
To your holy and chosen people,
Born from above, obedient children.

Open, O God, the doors of service,
Bringing the lost into the Kingdom,
Saving souls for heaven forever,
Joy among the ministering angels,
Basking in your eternal glory.

Prayer is a choice. Make other good choices. Read Choose! 13 Choices to Transform Your Heart and Soul.

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Yours is a beautiful world

Yours is a beautiful world, O Lord, full of power and precision and sights and sounds. We marvel before all creation, what we can see of it, knowing that it declares your greatness.

Even more beautiful, Savior of mankind, is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. In his pain, in the gore of suffering, in the cries and darkness and sweat and tears, rose the sparkling water of life and the brilliant light of glory.

Our sight is unfocused. Our sense of right is warped. Our perception of your goodness has been distorted by the father of lies.

Let us see your glory. Make us know your righteousness. Awaken us to your mercy.

May the splendor of Christ far outshine this world’s glory in our eyes.

This Passing World Holds Nothing

Father in heaven, this passing world holds nothing,
Offers nothing for the child of God:
Remind us always of this evident truth,
Let Satan not deceive nor blind our eyes,
As Eve fell prey and lost the blessed Garden.

Make heaven grow within our weakened sight,
Its many glories in all their shining brilliance;
Raise up our faces to our coming Lord,
Our hearing tuned to the shout of clouded angels,
So worldly voices fail to reach our ears.

Accepting the little ones

Lord, thank you for accepting the little ones whom men reject. Thank you for giving a chance to those who have had no advantage in this life. Thank you for your patience with me.

Let the voice of this world fade. Let its attractions be seen for what they are, a trap to remove us from your way. Let us resist its pressures to conform.

Help us remember we are servants. Let not the criticisms make us waver. Keep others’ weaknesses from discouraging us.

Bless us that we might be a blessing to others. Make our joy contagious. Let truth be recognized, and the Way be followed.

Roller coaster world

What a roller coaster this world is, O Lord! People are led by their passions and emotions, swayed by their peers, motivated by the approval of those who have no influence on their eternal destiny. Keep me from entering this heart-rending ride.

How small is the life lived far from you, O Lord! Nothing beyond the visible, idols on every side, routines with no redeeming qualities. Keep me near your presence.

How short a human’s time on earth, O Lord! We are born to trouble, we age quickly, our bodies wear out rapidly. Keep me now that I might enter your eternal kingdom.

Pull us from this world’s idolatry

Our Father in heaven, pull us from this world’s idolatry. You are the only God. May your words dwell in our hearts.

Bring your Spirit near and bind him to our souls. Let nothing, let no one separate us from the love of Christ.

Guide us in your life. Guard us from the evil one. Direct our steps by day and by night.

Create in us that new heart of courage, holiness, and godly fear. Work in us to produce faith, love, and hope.

Let every mention of your name, O God, be sacred. We tremble before your majesty. Tears of joy descend because your love shines brighter every day.

Let passion die

The violence of sin, O Lord, grows and masks its evil. Satan’s servants appear as angels of light, hiding death in their robes, concealing the face of eternal suffering. Caricatures of life and pleasure, they steal the young and rob the old of joy.

Unmask them, Lord, for who they are! Rip away their disguises! Let sin be seen for what it is, raw rebellion against your good and perfect will, self-destruction that cannot be undone!

Let us recoil from the Adversary’s enticements. Give us eyes to see behind the temptation, beyond the moment of pleasure. Save us from the pain and heartache of transgression.

Let passion for this world die, and cause to live in us an eternal zeal for good.

Everything we want

Father, everything we want to see happen in this world — justice, peace, prosperity, joy, love — is contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We desire and pray for a peaceful and and quiet life in our respective cities and countries. We pray that persecution, when it comes, may not cause us to question our faith.

Let our constancy be firm, our kindness always evident, our love unwavering in the face of hatred, meanness, and evil.

Let no one rob us of our joy in Christ.

We see the world through screens, Lord

We see the world through screens, be it a television, a computer monitor, or a porch screen door. And other screens, too, Lord, you see in our hearts, of color of skin, of prejudices toward men, of warped truths and lies that wear makeup and evening dresses. Help me to see as you see, to look at each person as a precious soul, to perceive the depravity that rules this world, the corruption that lies beneath the surface of every thought and activity on earth. Make me pure and whole, like Jesus, and make me an agent for human rescue from this world and santification to prepare for your presence.