Unable to Trap Him

Satan lays all kinds of traps for us, preying on our weaknesses and sinful natures.  Sometimes, he comes to us in what seems an impossible situation–like David found himself in facing Goliath!  But, the secret is to know who is the real giant!

I. Luke 20:1-19.  Satan talks big (Luke 4:5-7), but because of Jesus’ work on the cross, He’s the true one in authority (Matthew 28:18).  The Goliaths of Jesus’ day roared their challenges to Him, but His stones easily knocked them down.  Jesus knew that those who believed themselves in power were afraid of the people.

II. Luke 20:20-40.  Like a cat pouncing on a red laser dot, those who believed themselves in power tried futilely to trap Jesus.  They did not realize that He was the Word made flesh (John 1:1-14) or that the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom or weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength (1 Corinthians 1:25).  The result of this mismatched battle was that all fell silent and did not dare to challenge Him further.

III.  1 John 5:3-5.  Those who believed they were in power in Jesus’ day were like Goliath in David’s.  So today, the world, for all of its bluster and threats, is not really the true giant when it comes up against those who are in Christ Jesus and have overcome the world through our faith.  In Jesus, we stand before the intimidating champion of the Philistines armed with God’s wisdom and strength.

… if we could only realize it!

To find the power that overcomes

God who rules in heaven above,

Keep me from running to people and places that appear to have the resources I’m looking for. The Israelites ran down to Egypt, and it did them no good. They thought the Egyptian military power would save them. Their dependence upon Egypt was exactly their problem. They trusted in man, rather than in the Lord. They used humanly wisdom, rather than yours.

Let me look to you, Holy One of Israel! I seek my help from your hand. You make the enemy fall. You give your people victory. You care for the humble.

You are the fire that consumes the adversary. Purge from my heart everything opposed to your rule!

Isaiah 31

April Fools! He is Risen!

Of course the Bible tells us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on every first day of the week, but many are looking for a particular emphasis on this topic on the cultural (and religious) holiday many call ‘Easter.’  It doesn’t happen very often, but this year that day falls on April 1.  So, just who were made fools because Jesus was raised from the dead?

  1. Hebrews 2:14-18.  Perhaps Satan was the biggest fool.  Because of our sin, he held the power of death and reveled in our fear of death.  On that Friday Passover so long ago, it certainly appeared that Satan and the grave had won.  All of mankind were sinners and had earned death by our sins.  Jesus denied any power that God in the flesh could have wielded and in weakness died a criminal’s death.

2.  Romans 1:18-32.  Sinners are next.  These are people who do not retain the knowledge of God although God’s eternal power (the resurrection) and divine nature are clearly seen from what has been made.  Without excuse, these unrepentant sinners plunge willingly into their various sins, while believing themselves wise, enlightened “Christians.”  God gives these “fools” over to their sins.

3.  Psalm 14:1.  God calls atheists fools.  In their book, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Geisler and Turek argue that in the face of such overwhelming evidence for the existence of God, great faith is needed to hold to the untenable position of disbelief.  Beyond that, how sad that atheists let go of any hope for eternity that comes through Jesus’ resurrection overcoming sin and death.

We should not be fooled by Jesus’ resurrection.  Rather, that He was risen ought to help us prepare.


Wise or Unwise?

By John Henson, McMinnville TN

Proverbs 20:1-7

  1. The intoxicated are unwise (verse 1).
  2. A provoked fool is unwise (verses 2-3).
  3. The sluggard (lazy) is unwise (verse 4).
  4. The deliberate, righteous one is wise (verses 5-7).

My Search

‘Tis common sense the world lauds,
Above the follies of the fool,
But I seek wisdom that is God’s,
As that one worthy, precious jewel.

O Lord, from you discernment I ask,
As I make righteousness my task.

Our Short Attention Span

Our short attention span
limits to what we can
do and pray and think —
our mind the weakest link.

Give strength to our soft mind,
O Lord, that we might find
the truth and apply today
your wisdom, without delay.

No rush, no delay

God who neither rushes nor delays, you do all things in good time, at the right hour, just when action is needed. I wait upon you. I trust in you to come to my aid. Teach me patience. Try and purify me.

We praise you for you do not forget nor go back on your promises. We are grateful that you are faithful, because we trust your word.

Bless us, O Lord, that we might be a blessing to others. Give us wisdom to speak well, courage to speak up, love to speak unceasingly so that many might be saved.

Mind, emotions, living

“I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path” Psalm 119.104 NIV.

Love for and obedience to God’s word is the way to

  1.  A sound mind (understanding, grasping and discerning the truth),
  2. Reliable emotions (hate),
  3. Right living (path).

Points by J.A. Motyer, “Psalms” NBC21, p. 569.

The prayer of When

When silence prevails, let your Word speak gently in my heart.

When noise dominates, let your quietness rule within me.

When we find ourselves in the presence of foolishness, let your wisdom penetrate the moment.

When wisdom overcomes, let gratitude for the knowledge of you permeate and let the power of your Spirit guide us. Continue reading “The prayer of When”