A will of iron

O God who spoke a word and created a world from nothing,
Create in us a new heart, a will of iron to do your bidding,
That we might give you glory and show the world the image of Christ,
Through Jesus the Lord who showed the way of light and life.

Excited about this day

Lord God of love, let me be excited about this day, as a time to love, to give, to call to faith, as the hour of salvation, as a moment of new birth from heaven, of truth and knowledge, of hearing the Good News, as a space to welcome the Only Son and walk in the light.

Heavenly Father, make this day a challenge to the will, to decide to be the lover and giver that you are; a stimulation for the mind, to understand better the marvels of your wisdom; a brace for the emotions, to feel the joy of knowing you and of entering into your fellowship; a hope for the spirit, to escape the chains of sin and embrace eternal life in the Son.