For All the Suffering

For all the suffering, pain, and wrong,
today is yours, O Lord, and mine;
I will rejoice in prayer and song
and make my will with yours align.

Change my mind

Prayer based on Romans 12.1-2

Lord, I give my body to you as a sacrifice. I want to live in service to you. I want to be holy and pure and completely devoted to you, so that you will be pleased. I want the mind to lead in service, rather than emotions or the past or experience taking over. Keep me from going the world’s way. Transform me completely. Change my mind. Your will is good. Doing it pleases you. Nothing is as positive and perfect as your will. Today I will prove its perfection and taste its pleasantness. May your will be done in me, for your glory. In the name of my Lord and Savior and Example Jesus Christ, amen.

The one request I know you’ll answer

Lord, so much I have to ask of you! So much I want to see happen in my life and in the lives of others! So many needs that I think I have!

There is one request, out of them all, that I know you will answer positively. I confess to not knowing what will be best for me and mine. I cannot foresee the effects of what I ask. So I pray, Your will be done.

I pray this because I know that you will do what is best for us all. You seek to bless. You want to draw us near to you. So whatever I am asking, I pray that you will do everything according to your will.

And in your will I rest and find peace.

Sure of Your Good Will

Regardless, Lord, of this world’s worst,
In spite of evil and harm and ill,
Let us be sure of your good will,
And always put your kingdom first.

Let none spurn faith, let none ask why
You cause the innocent early to die;
Instead, may we all marvel how,
In patience, you let us live until now.

We Want to Eat His Bread

The sinner’s response is fight or flight
From your great glory and holy light,
So teach us how to humbly submit,
To seek your face, and never quit
Our service to Christ. We want to eat
His bread and make your will our meat.
What you in all of Scripture wrote
We want to know, to love devote
Ourselves, as Jesus did. Create
In us desire for heaven’s Gate.

Outline of Christianity in 10 Ws

If you like alliteration, this is the outline for you. Ten — count ’em — ten Ws to form upon your lips and wave your hands over. You can supply a ton of Bible texts for each point. This is a good summary of the whole of the Faith.

  1. The Will — God willed man’s existence and salvation from eternity.
  2. The Word — God became man in the person of Jesus Christ.
  3. The Wound — Jesus was wounded for our transgressions.
  4. The Well — Life and power spring from the Holy Spirit.
  5. The Way — The Bible reveals God’s plan, purchased people, and practice of righteousness.
  6. The Work — Eternal salvation is the objective of every effort by God’s people.
  7. The War — Conflict with evil powers is at the heart of faithfulness.
  8. The World — Saints are in, but not of, and sent to, the world.
  9. The Worship — God seeks people who worship in spirit and truth.
  10. The Worth — Heaven is worth giving up life, limb, and luxury.

UPDATE: I’ve reordered a couple of these, to reflect a more logical progression. I flipped nos. 3 and 4 and nos. 9 and 10.


The Heavenly Truths that Never Fail

O God, let heart with mind agree,
As thoughts saturate the soul —
The heavenly truths that never fail —
To rein the feelings, set them free
Of earthly passions, and quickly fill
With victory.

Extinguish every burst of desire
For selfish ways, tamp down the flesh,
And every spiritual impulse refresh —
Impose, within, the deeper fire
Of God, and burn all guilt to ash
Upon the pyre. Continue reading “The Heavenly Truths that Never Fail”

When everything seems up in the air

Your will, heavenly Father, is good and holy and pleasant and brings great blessing to all who submit to it. What a joy to know and do your bidding!

Forgive my shortcomings, cleanse me from my failures, let my sins be washed by the blood of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Perfect me by your grace, make my obedience complete in Christ, strengthen every good resolve and make me able for every good work by your Spirit. Continue reading “When everything seems up in the air”