What we think we know

Father, what we think we know we’ve no idea and what we ought to know we show little interest. Bring us out of ignorance and into your light!

We fool ourselves into thinking we’re strong, and where true strength lies we consider weakness. Break us that we may be remade into the iron of Spirit.

The wealth of the world is our frenzied pursuit, while true and lasting riches lie untapped. Strip us of trust in possessions and money, that we might receive the treasures of Christ.

We’ve tried it all in our pursuit of happiness, except the everlasting joy that comes from life with you. Let all our earthly joys wilt like yesterday’s flowers, in order to catch a vision of heavenly blessing.

The world of experiences is where we think we’re really living, but eternal life holds no thrill for us. Make us die to this world, that we might live for you.

You Richly Give Us All Good Things

You richly give us all good things
for our enjoyment, but instead,
we set our hope on them, becoming
haughty, thinking we produced them.
We are rich in this world’s goods,
but keep our hope on you, and teach us,
then we’ll do lasting good to others,
be rich in works of blessed deeds,
generous givers, sharing with others.
We’d save up treasure for ourselves,
a firm foundation for the future,
and so take hold of truest life.
As Captain of our lives, O God,
make it so, and turn our thoughts
to eternal rewards, not earthly riches.
Let time and strength and wealth be given
to high pursuits and holy ways.
Show us how uncertain is wealth,
How sure your word and will and work.

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The true use of wealth

Let our prosperity not separate us from you,
nor make us feel independent,
or in control of our lives,
but let us remember instead, O Lord,
to give you thanks for all good things,
to enjoy the bounty from your hand,
and to share with the needy,
and make wealth have its true use
for the gospel of Christ.