Abide with Me

In Western thought the rich ruler’s question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” might be thought of as an event, but the Greek indicates the concept of abiding.  Perhaps it would be better asked, “How must I abide to inherit eternal life?”  Jesus goes to the heart of what is separating this man from Him by getting him to address his love of material possessions.  Once he has done that, then Jesus tells him to “come, follow me,” a continuous action to abide with Him (Luke 18:18-23).  The song, “Abide with Me,” encourages us to take hold of the heavenly joys that could be ours:

Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens: Lord with me abide!  When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me!

I.  Matthew 6:19-21.  The rich ruler chose earth over eternity.  Where our treasure is, there our heart is also.  So, is yours in heaven or on earth?  The rich ruler went away sad because he loved this world that is temporary and passing away (1 John 2:15-17).  The hymn continues:

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me!

II.  James 1:13-15.  The rich ruler chose sin over strength.  The tempter tempts us from the evil desires within us, yes, but we each are guilty when we give into that temptation and sin.  We choose our comfort in what pleases us rather than trusting in Jesus (John 14:1-6).  The song speaks of this too:

I need Thy presence ev’ry passing hour: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?  Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be?  Thro’ cloud and sunshine, O abide with me!

III.  2 Corinthians 4:7-10.  The rich ruler chose terror over triumph.  We’re bound to have struggles in this life, but only through Jesus can we have victory (1 Corinthians 15:54-57).  And only in an abiding relationship with Jesus can we truly know His love (John 17:14-23).  Let us not, choose to be condemned with the world instead:

I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness; Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?  I triumph still, if Thou abide with me! 

For each of us, there may be something different that keeps us from abiding with Jesus.  Let us not be like the rich ruler who was sad because he was unwilling to give up temporary treasure for a heavenly reward.  As the song concludes:

Hold Thou thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies; Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me!

Lord, Fight My Battle for Me!

Lord, fight my battle for me!
Your power and wisdom win the struggle.
I stand in place to see
the walls collapse, for Christ is able.

Lord, save your child in flight!
Your wind can open the way to safety.
The watery walls in height
Let feet be quick to travel bravely.

The Living Lord

2 Samuel 22; Psalm 18

You, the living Lord, are God of victory;
My enemy shall not prevail against me.
To save my life your hand extends from heaven,
With shouts and fire and smoke and flying angels.
Long have I sought my Rock and strong protection,
Take notice, Lord, of my unflagging devotion.
Put armies to flight, tear down the walls of hatred;
Before me clear the paths so I may pursue.
My Savior reigns, he lives to rescue his people,
His ways are true, his word is always faithful.
You are my shield, my strong, unbending defender,
Before the war is won, we sing the outcome.
None is like the Lord, no other deity
Can turn the battle — both sky and earth are shaken
When God, our God, descends to scatter
The nations — Praise him! Praise him in the highest!

This is what I ask you, Lord, to give me

Give me strength to resist the devil and take hold of victory in Christ that you have promised.

Give me wisdom to know right and timely words that will build others up and proper steps to take for the greatest blessing.

Give me courage to speak of Christ at all times, even when truth has a good chance of not being well received.

Give me your Spirit that he might produce in me the virtues of my Lord.

Give me glory to shine as a light on a hill that all may see your goodness e confess your wonderful Name.

Give me love to accept each person where he is and show him how to be accepted by you through obedience to the gospel of Christ.

Give me joy so that every day offers me your presence and the hope of receiving one of the eternal rooms that Jesus is preparing.

We breathe your air

Lord God, you are sovereign over all creation. You spoke absolutely everything into existence with the word of your mouth. You planned it all and brought it all to fruition. You sustain the universe and keep planets and galaxies in line. All life depends on your moment-by-moment, constant care. We breathe your air. We eat food you cause to grow. We move within a protective bubble of atmosphere, gravity, earth, weather, seasons, and water, with perfect conditions for our well-being. You are to be praised and thanked every day, time and again, for all you have done and continue to do for us.

We’ve no idea what might happen today. Misfortune may fall. Time and chance occur in our lives. Disaster and death may invade our routine. Things we consider blessings may happen as well. Plans will most certainly go awry. We confess that we do not have control over our world or our surroundings. But you know all things. You are in control. We cannot blame you for anything, for you intend only our good. Often, we suffer because of sin. This world has been affected by it. We must cope and work in between Eden and Heaven. We trust in you. We want to live by the power of the Word and the strength of your Spirit. Glorify the Lord Jesus in us.

Give us courage to speak and act like your people. Help us to live out the Good News. Put words into our mouths to speak to those in need, from the outflow of holy Scripture which we have stored up in our hearts. You do not offer us religion, but life. In the Way is love, hope, goodness, joy, and peace. Let us speak constantly of these and possess them in our hearts.

The world is in need of them as well. Thank you for folding us into your plan of salvation, for making us a part of this great mission to save souls. The responsibility awes us, we feel the weight of the work before us. Such an eternal impact that we can make causes us to rejoice. We can do something that truly will last forever. As we also do when we pray for others’ salvation and for our brothers’ effort to teach about Jesus’ death.

  • Bless plans of some brothers to travel to China and teach.
  • Give good results to our friends in New Zealand, Britain, Belgium, Nepal, Bangladesh, Ireland, Bolivia, South Africa, South Sudan, and Japan.
  • Bring the gospel to the Bind people of India, who as far as we know have no one to work among them.
  • Bless the efforts of our good friends Randy and Kathy Short in Recife, Brazil.

Father, you give your children unity of purpose, mind, and heart. Help us to speak the same language. Cause the Good News to give us one voice. May we be known for our love for one another. May the truth shine forth, and not opinions or personalities.

Make this day a moment of victory, whatever happens. Bless our families and our marriages. Lead our children and our siblings to your love. Give our parents your blessing for their patience with us. Let friends and neighbors be touched through your presence in us. Glorify yourself in us, may your name be praised in every way.

Win Each Battle

Circle your people with your protection,
O God who shields the weak from harm;
We suffer from attacks of Satan,
And fall to this world’s evil charm.

Let Christ the Victor come to conquer,
And we, with him, saved from defeat,
To win each battle, with him as Anchor,
We need not fear nor ever retreat.

The Way that Jesus Went

O God, with you I’d be content,
In Christ my every need supplied;
I’d go the way that Jesus went—
On Calvary’s hill he wept and died.

His victor’s cry make mine as well,
To finish your saving will at last;
To serve my neighbor, a story to tell,
A living love, unmoved, steadfast.