Gospel paradoxes

By Joe Slater, Justin, TX

  1. If you would be wise, you must become a fool (1 Cor. 1:18-27; 4:10).
  2. If you would be happy (blessed), you must mourn (Matthew 5:4)
  3. If you would be victorious, you must surrender (James 4:7; 1 Cor. 15:57; John 5:2-4)
  4. If you would live, you must die (Romans 6:2-4)
  5. If you would be free, you must become a slave (Romans 6:17, 18)
  6. If you would be rich, you must become poor (Matthew 19:21)
  7. If you would be great(est), you must become a servant/slave (Luke 22:24-27; John 13:12-15)